pretty fun, the map destruction is pretty crazy

nice social game to hang out in

honestly a really fun experience, with the tricks and gameplay that kept me going

fun golf game thats a bit wacky to play when bored

played the 2020 version of it and liked that a lot, this didnt really carry that feeling

had weird bugs when it first came out, story a bit underwhelming, had some bad lag in some maps (especially japan)

some of the boss fights were either underwhelming and too easy to kill, or was being unfair at times, didnt feel challenging at all

all around a fun and cheerful game

followed the development of the game, nice concept and pretty cool

game looks nice and is just mindless ship breaking, does get a bit tedious but after the story picks up it does get better

i liked it, the new guns were actually nice and the story was alright

gah, so good, the story peaksmmm

amazing game overall, just when you are walking towards a great obstable the environment and soundtrack settles in to make it worth with a captivating story

holds the story really well with a crazy amount of content with it, i love kiryus story w/ this

love the concept and the different characters & abilities use windows pretty uniquely


great topdown shooter akin to hotline miami but with more of some solid gameplay

love this platformer, and its art, and its music, and sound design