i personally view myself with extreme disgust when i am not acting mysterious or obfuscating how i feel in some way.

could very easily have been the best persona game if only it wasn't clearly not the best persona game but there is a potential that it could be the best persona game but it is the persona game that it is instead.

consarn it sega!!!! y'all coulda done been did so man y mo' things with thIS one. you could have puta in espio th chamelon.vector the cruncadial? srsly????? RAY THE FLGIHG SKRIL AND ROCK GUY???
they could have done so many more things and they did what they did instead. unbelievable, even though i'm forced to believe it because it happened. you fucked up for the last time, next time you won't get my money.

This review was written before the game released

nam 2 u 2
um gum gumpli nam um gumley gumpli nam

fucking stupid shit i can't stop h elp

Jack Skelter's quest tattles a tale as old as time itself. "Fuhihi, what if I squirted my blood all over these epic bishoujos?". Jack got his wish and became the blood guy, thanks to technological advancements in genocide, paintball, forced cultural advancement, and the Japanese military R&D department.

Now he leads a death march against creepy looking bullshit, cause girls think his blood is so sexy they can't control their sopping wet dripping when he bleeds. Take control of Jack in this epic quest but don't let mom see.

If you've ever played similar simulation games where your goal is to optimize something and plan ahead, like Punch Club, Victory Road is something you definitely wanna check out. It doesn't look as pretty as it's contemporaries but it has much more to think about with decision making and strategy. You're also a more active participant in the goal of this game, actually having some control over the boxer during matches.

i love puzzle fighting games but god i just want them to have netplay.

At this point they've honestly done everything they could have with this game. They couldn't have done anything more. Thank you.

oh oh he buss in side me oh oh

got bored and quit before even finishing it. this game is like 2 hours. what the hell.

On one hand, the feeling that you're butting heads with a games skill ceiling an hour after starting it up can be a pretty bad feeling. On the other hand, holy shit me and my homies laugh our asses off and lose our minds playing this together, it's a lot of fun in it's madness. The biggest issue here is the aforementioned skill ceiling, it's missing a lot of that hard to quantify magic sauce known as depth. I think there is absolutely a place for games like Fantasy Strike, but I think games like it would have more staying power if they tried to provide access to depth instead of simplifying depth. Even the most popular online games kids play like Fortnite have an immense well of depth in strategy and design compared to this games.

Thanks for using Rollback.

sneeze tier list:
kohaku kills me
hisui kills me
i can't block miyako
shiki players are the real winners of every match they play
kouma is a problematic fav
they forgot to put saber in
roa is
where are the ciel players
im running out of dumb shit to say

Alas, Kid Klown is going . . .

Undesired, unwanted them, What makes them go?

It is nothing else than the principle of the Klown who has the reason for being.

there was a time when i could call this my favourite online game. there was a time where i felt i was actually pretty darn good at this game. there was even a time where i thought this game was pretty damn fun. i can't play that game anymore, i can now play something kinda like it that i don't like even close to as much. games as a service, we welcome you with disappointment in our hearts.