Log Status






Time Played

18h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 7, 2020

Platforms Played


I think Quantum Break is a good experiment, trying to bridge a television series with video games. All the characters and story and stuff is just like baseline good, none of them really wowed me at first, until some stuff with beth pops up later.

The gameplay portion of this game feels super good (I played on console, wish I could have played it on pc, but whatever). When you are in the middle of a firefight it feels really fast and frenetic. Dashing up to enemies to pelt them with bullets, running away from heavies, most of the time, you are constantly moving around the battlefield. All the time abilities are fun and useful.

The thing is I don't think the gameplay ever pushes itself; the boundaries of how far it can go is never really tested. There are some difficult fights, but nothing too bad. I played it on normal and hard, and hard didn't feel that different at all really. Just kinda sad that this really fun gameplay is kinda shorted by the story (still think thats good though).

The tv series is surprisingly well made. I really liked that they made it about the side characters that also do stuff during the game's story.
Some of the game's choices are super impactful, except one, especially the first one. I honestly feel like one of the choices for the first one just leaves you with a worse story down the line, and its the one most people picked. The collectable lore emails, etc., change based on what choices you made, and at some point you get a bunch of info about your brother, but the other choice gets you boring stuff about how the evil business operates.