38 Reviews liked by Snoof3

A masterclass of the Metroidvania genre. While Hollow Knight doesn't seek to advance the genre in any meaningful ways, it utilizes it's foundation masterfully. It's nothing short of a miracle something like this was able to be created by only a handful of developers. If you can get past a somewhat slow opening act, you are in for a hauntingly beautiful experience.

As admitted by the developers, Dead Space attempts to be both System Shock 3 and Resident Evil 4. Sadly, it never commits to either idea, and ends up coming up short of both of it's inspirations. The game is at it's best when it's retrained, allowing the players fearful imagination to run wild. The lighting, environments and sound design are brilliant but wasted on repetitive enemy encounters and dozens of instances of "watch something spooky happen through a glass pane".

This game is an unfinished, buggy and rushed mess. I loved every minute of it. It's like watching The Room

Despite some frustrating moments that are unavoidable in the NES era, this title holds up extremely well. "Vampire Killer" is absurdly catchy.

Scarab + 50 Engineer simulator

Trying out this game at 3am during a sleepless night without knowing a damn thing about it was a once in a lifetime experience. This game isn't "so bad it's good", it's just good. If you can look past some mediocre shooting segments, you are rewarded with some of the best atmosphere, characters and dialogue in gaming. It's like a surreal combination of Harvester, Twin Peaks and RE4.

Be warned that the PC port is barely functional, but after some file editing and fan patches it's certainly playable.

I have conflicting feelings about this game. The shooting and movement feel surprisingly fluid and yet is wasted on some extremely subpar level design. Some levels are much too large for their own good, resulting in plenty of downtime before anything remotely interesting. Enemy encounters don't feel well thought out and in rooms with significant verticality enemies spend the majority of their time running up and down staircases trying to reach you.

On the other hand I love how stylized the game is. The enemy designs are fantastic and varied. The setting of each level is always entirely different from one another and never got stale. While the humor didn't always land with me, it certainly got a few laughs out of me from time to time.

Overall an average shooter that is exemplified by it's visual style and Postal charm. Worth picking up if you want to turn your brain off for a while.

Harvester isn't a particularly well made game, it isn't even a particularly clever game. It is however, unlike anything else. It is without a doubt a product of it's time, something that likely cannot be imitated in any meaningful form.

As a game, Harvester is an alright point and click adventure. It's puzzles are a bit too obtuse at times and the second half focuses too heavily on it's clunky combat mechanics.

As an experience, Harvester is unmissable. It has an unapparelled atmosphere, hilariously dark humor and some of my favorite moments in the entire video game medium.