38 Reviews liked by Snoof3

there are some roguelikes that i just enjoy playing and chipping away at the progressions rather than making legitimate headway towards the end credits. this is one of em


this was the first game i bought on my PS4 Pro that i acquired specifically to play Spider-Man (2018), and i only finally played it all the way through this month. i should have bought a PS4 Pro to play Bloodborne (2015)!

this and alien crush are the definitive pinball games, both in terms of actual play and the FUCKING VIBES




Equal parts mindblowing and frustrating, I so badly wish I could give this game 5 stars.

Significant portions of this game have yet to be matched by the gaming industry, providing the most immersive and open ended RPG of all time. It's so easy to get lost in it's moody world, containing some of the best side missions, level design, dialogue and characters of all time.

However this game was rushed. Extremely rushed. The last few hours are a nightmare, and some of the late game missions feel like they were thrown together haphazardly, throwing tightly designed environments out the window in favor of rooms full of enemies.

Despite it all, the positives FAR outweigh the negatives. It will always be an influential cult classic that fans find themselves coming back to again and again for entirely unique playthroughs. It's just frustrating knowing that given a bit more time in the oven, it could have been even more than that.

if you play N Groove you a real one

So effective as a horror game it tricked me into playing a roguelite deckbuilder.

Imagine having an idea for a game and then ruining the sequel by using the Digimon Frontier cast

This game is pure art. Exhilarating, breathtaking, and truly unique. The Shadow of the Colossus comparisons have obvious merit, but this game has much more to it than that. If Half Life: Alyx is the pinnacle of the AAA VR experience, Jet Island is the pinnacle of the experimental indie VR experience.

At a first glance I'm sure you're thinking it looks like a janky asset flip used for a quick buck. Never judge a book by it's cover because that couldn't be farther from the truth. Flying around in the addicting movement system and getting lost in this world is like a dream sequence. This game has such a "wow" factor that at times I physically sat on the ground and enjoyed the moment.

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While brimming with atmosphere and creative storytelling, Bioshock failed to captivate me in the same way that it's inspiration, System Shock 2 did. It quickly drops it's horror elements in favor of repetitive encounters. The game's clever twist is the peak of what it has to offer, and sputters out shortly afterwards, culminating in a disappointing final encounter.

While I respect Capcom's attempt at returning to the survival horror root's of Resident Evil, this entry feels like a half baked experiment on a few levels. The game's enemy variety, rushed ending, lackluster final boss and meandering second half pull down what could have been an excellent horror game. Once you're past the excellent first half of this title, you've experienced all it has to offer.