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DeemonAndGames commented on DeemonAndGames's list Videogame Movie Night!
@hotpoppah It was gonna be even more of a crossover since I was planning on talking about TV adaptations too, but I realized that could make a list of its own XD

@paq250_ That idea for the ending is actually so fucking funny, it would have probably made the movie like 10 times better AT LEAST, and is way better than the sequel tease we ended up getting in the final product. It's certainly a fascinating movie, and way more interesting to talk about than the 2023 adaptation for sure, but I don't know, I'd lie if I said I didn't had a soft spot for the latter and didn't consider it a genuinely well-made and funny movie, and a little more interesting as an adaptation than it seems at first, even if by all accounts it's ''safer''. I'll give the video a watch for sure, this is a topic that's so interesting to discuss and see other people's opinions on the matter; I find adaptations of any kind super interesting, and I think most, even some of the worst in this list, have a ton of merit to it (except the Moster Hunter one of course XD).

@moschidae I somehow managed to avoid every form of contact with the movie after watching in theaters completely unintentionally, I can't even imagine having to hear its lines over and over again, but I imagine not being fun, to say the least, really sorry you had to go through that madness.

And I'm already feeling much, much better! Thank you so much :D

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palceu followed Serious

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