This game will take you back 20 years, down memory lane, right into downtown Poundtown. This game WILL fuck you up. Somehow it's not as unfair as the original but is also somehow MORE unfair. What if Alien Hominids had Binding of Isaac roguelike elements when it came to the weapons you acquire? The answer is just the right mix of comedy and tragedy (though it is comedy if your friend is eating shit).

The enemy placements are out of control, this game is a bullet hell. But if you are lucky and you have competent friends, YOU become the bullet hell. It's awesome.

This is a game you pick up to NOT relax and have a casual time. This a game where you sweat and try not to die. It's intense and if you're in the right mood and headspace this is a blast.

Coom Gay Men

For real though I only like, not love, this version of the game. It's still addictive and boy is less hassle than playing it tabletop once you get used to the UI. The tabletop experience can be more fun with the physical presences of others and custom props and set pieces, but fuck that we live in the pod now; plus I don't even want to risk the chance of smelling the gamer stank of others.

I play with a group every few months or so and we have a blast every time.

These characters are the most generic anime shit ever. But everything is fine more less. Combat, graphics, setting -- all fine. It will never be anything more though.

I did buy this game for 5 dollars new on the PS5 at Gamestop, so this probably didn't do well. Used copies of Destiny 2 and Fallout 76 cost more and those aren't even real games on disc. This game is worth less than physical vaporware. Hilarious.

An immense improvement on the original in every way. For one it actually runs well; and the levels and mechanics feel much, much better implemented. I got a little bored with it towards the end because I blew threw through it in two sessions and i felt it grew a little stale, but do not let that stop you from trying this shit out and becoming a speed freak goon murderer.

I don't understand the scores. It's not funner to kill enemies here than it is in CoD. Fuck this woke liberal video game.

0/10 Refunded & Gay.

Man Front Mission 4 must have sold like shit. Why didn't we get this in America? This is excellent. It didn't innovate but this was the time where stuff was starting to be rendered in HD and it looks nice even if it's filtered to fit on a PS2.

This game has some of the worst controls a tie-in PS2 era game could muster. It wanted to feel like Devil May Cry and Max Payne and what it got instead was the feel of wearing a pair of pants full of shit. Your moveset has this absolute dealbreaker of a 180 turn when you flick the right thumbstick down. Since right thumbstick ALSO is the camera, you will be doing one thing and accidentally do completely different move that will fuck you in every combat situation.

It runs like shit, combat has nothing going for it, and the level design is awful.

The overall vibe of mid 00's cheese is pretty good though. Edgy and overimportant coolness. It's bad but it's so good.

A short, solid 2D Mario with a huge emphasis on spectacle. This game was simply meant to be visually stimulating with genuinely with platforming stuff & good gags peppered in it. The creativity in this one is really quite astounding and I was left quite pleased with what I experienced. The thing is the gameplay is just alright. No complaints or compliments.

It's shockingly not that long, but I'll bet DLC comes out for this.

Do you have children? Are you in your 40's looking down the last leg of life with an undying love of Sonic? Then Sonic Superstars is for you! This game sucks my dick and everything about it is stinky but IT IS very colorful and has LEGO DLC so that's about all the key jingling the fanbase really needs to irrationally defend this title -- and witnessing that discourse is going to be most entertainment you're going to get out of this game.

For the record, I wanted to like it. I want to like all Sonic games. The online is bad and I'm not playing a multiplayer focused game unless people are in the room with me. Being 30 and playing a 2D Sonic game with a mulitplayer focus & performance issues AND meh levels all by myself left me with the feeling like I went to go jerk off in an empty theater screening of the Paw Patrol movie. It's just not my scene and I'm not sure why I'm here and doing this.

"Why did you buy it" Because I went a box store to buy the new Spider-man and picked this up too because Sonic Mania was a good ass game. (You should go play that instead)

Wow, I got to say SOMETHING positive. Uh, I liked having options to deal with being underwater. I also liked when I was playing this game and saw that my PS5 finished downloading Spider-Man 2. It's the little things, right?

The cool thing about local record stores is that you can find games like Immortals of Aveum, a game that came out two months ago, for $18 dollars. That's the perfect price to pay for this game, I feel.

You know what? This game is good. I haven't played a shooter in awhile so it was kind of nice, but this is by no means even in the top 20 of shooters of the last decade, or hell even this year, I bet.

There is no denying that it looks great. I'm playing with Performance mode on PS5 and it's smooth as butter. The visual effects of your weapon attacks and the more interesting environments are pretty dang nice. Particle effects people should be very proud.

The story may as well be white noise. I have nothing to say about it. After the prologue I put on my headphones and bumped my own shit while zoning out of exposition. I just don't care. Nobody cares. It's not as bad as Forspoken though.

It's the most mid game in existence. I have nothing good or bad to say about it beyond what I've already stated. No joy. No pain. Just a lukewarm numbness. That is Immortals of Aveum.

I just realized this game is a less interesting Ghostwire Tokyo. I think I should give that game another shot. I'd probably appreciate it more now lol.

I didn't believe Sonic fans when they told me that Sonic Riders has an intense esports scene. Then I downloaded a modded version of Riders that fixes some control issues and see that people on Dolphin emulator are playing the game. It's an open lobby so I joined and holy fuck this game beats ASS.

I wish it was just a little faster, but thanks to the fandom, this game has some legs. I remember being indifferent went this game came out. As an adult, I can see the mechanical complexity that attracts people to this game. Precise timing and drifitng are the name of the game. It's so hard to get used to at first, but you do acclimate fairly quickly.

It's the perfect pick up and play for 20 mins kind of game.

These devs should have either made a baby-brained puzzle game with bright colorful cute pokemon in a Dora the Explorer type adventure. Or commit to somewhat challenging puzzle game with a real plot that respects the intelligence and reverences of several generations of pokemon fans. Not this fucked up middle ground. This game is for no one. Put a cutscene compilation on Youtube for your baby child if you got one. Otherwise throw this game in your mind trash.

I pirated this (so maybe there's some emulator funkiness) for someone who's younger and was actually stunned at this game's awkward and unoptimized performance. I just could not believe they introduced adult concepts to the plot, but features gameplay so unimaginably disengaging it feels like a joke. This is a non-game with a huge license behind it, hoping you'll commit to that full price purchase like the good cash cow you are.


Absolute banger of a walking sim. It's vibes are just right for the kind of person I am. I was having a great time until I stumbled into a kitchen where a chef said to me "Dude thank god you're here, SOMEONE needs to SPIT in this RICH DUDE'S food.." and then it became it an all-timer in vibes.

It is one of the best walking sims. The sludgy vibe here? Impeccable.