I remember this game had an immensely difficult time selling itself. A hexagonal comedy strategy game is a goddamn awesome idea on paper. But early versions of the game were buggy as hell and I would often find 50% playthrough saves would be erased with no reason.

It is also...not that fun in the later half of the game. Maybe keeping things short & simple would have worked out better for them.

However, the early game is a blast. Stamper's voice work carrying an entire game is not an easy feat, but that dude is talented for days in that regard. The charm and humor is off the charts.

I want to like it more, but there are so many bullshit units that exist purely for chaos that it muddles the game and doesn't allow the player to do much more than defensively maneuver around humorous, bullshit battles that take sheer luck to win sometimes. If the game wasn't framing itself as a serious strategy game, these elements would have worked better.

I don't even know what they were going for honestly. Still, there's really damn funny stuff in here.

This game made a girl I liked all through high school think that I was gay because my friends and I (who were 14) would refer to this game as Asshole Smashers.

We were obsessed with the game and for the longest time we would refer to hanging out after school as "going to go smash assholes" or "gonna go smash" or " have a gay orgy". The Smashing Assholes activity stuck for the entirety of high school; along with 4 years worth of terrible asshole smashing jokes -- that to a completely normal girl who wasn't in on the joke the whole time, might be convinced we were just openly gay and announcing sexual activities from the energy we were bringing to every conversation that involved hanging out and playing video games.

We refused to talk about video games at school without coded language because we went to a Catholic school and our form of rebellion was being as homosexual as possible. The fun part is like five years out of high school, one of my friends from that group announced they WERE gay, which is probably why he used Pink Knight so much. Hell yeah.

Anyway this is Behemoth's best game. You can tell they are not in the biz entirely for money because they could have made like 5 of these and they would have done well.

I wish they would make another. The couch/online co-op game is weak right now.

I wish those LA gangs killed Markiplier

I sieged your mother's dungeon, too.

Dude I like this game. It's got budget for days and it's got satisfying smooth brain fighting that somehow feels more rewarding than games that require more input on your attacks. Pretty interesting.

Microsoft just bought this company for 80 billion dollars lmao

This game is an oldie but a goodie.

It was a pretty good DOOM clone with really interesting pacing of levels and secrets. It's not going to blow your mind, but it will impress you with the thought put into the design of the levels.

It's not that long of an FPS, even for it's time. It is however really cool and still worth the try if you like boomshoot.


Dude this game is so good. It's like Quake 4 and Doom 3 mixed together to make a game that's better than both of those games combined.

The Cherokee mysticism is fucking awesome and weirdly blends well with the sadistic robo-alien art design of the space ship and enemies.

It's like maybe 6 hours long. I enjoyed most of it.

Just started digging into this game but I'll say now that it's a very lovingly crafted remake. Everything has been redone to simulate the feel of the original on new tech. All the animation gags have been painstakingly recreated and they still work for being cute and funny. Kids will love this game. Adults will find entertainment beyond nostalgia as there is some difficulty in boss fights; and I don't know if this was in the original, but items are capped out to prevent ultra hoarding and cheesing with items.

I know a couple studios had their hands on this, but I would watch all of them very closely because the benchmark of quality is so superb I have nothing to say about it.

They did it. They did not fuck this thing up. Geno is here. Peach's dildo is still here. The magic is still here!

I'm playing on Yuzu on Steam Deck, but I know there is performance issues on original hardware (there is no stuttering on Deck).

If suicide and school shooting jokes is your bag, this is your re-up.

I am biased as I've been watching SoulBro vids forever but this game is a crude, tasteless piece of shit. It will annoy the fuck out of certain people who have no nostalgia for this time period. Nor will it appeal to those who don't like the sense of humor the game has because the humor is the game and it's very much intentionally and relentlessly sardonic. I personally love this shit.

I played the original and loved it. It was short. It had the SoulBro goodness with the writing and pacing. This is a vast improvement upon the idea. These devs are growing sharper in such a rapid pace that their niche is becoming more refined and we have yet to see the best of these guys. I truly believe that.

We have Diablo at home. And that's ok.

All you need to know is that it's on the shorter side (like 15 hours max). Fully co-op that's playable offline. And that for a series that does it's best to rip off other games, this game comes closest to competing with it's inspiration (Diablo, though this much more in the vein of Torchlight).

It's worth a sale purchase to have as a game to play with a bud.

Ten Second Review of the Medium because I am just going to bitch about the devs here. I played Medium the week it came out and haven't touched it since. But I have played all Layers of Fear since and am reflecting upon my experiences with this developer.

Bloober Team are film school rejects pretending to be artists. They have one good environmental artist working with an engine that cannot render the detail they are going for. All their games are animated like you're playing on a high latency Google Stadia. It's not unique in design, it looks jank and lazy. All their games look this way. Even the Silent Hill 2 remake they are fucking up as I type this review.

This studio exists to damage everything it touches. The games they make, and the themes explored within. Did you know if you were sexually assaulted that you should kill yourself and stay dead because you're beyond repairing. That is without hyperbole the message they convey to you in The Medium. I hate these artless motherfuckers so much for speaking so confidently on a sensitive matter when they cannot get a single aspect of their games to not be infuriatingly rudimentary.

They are inspired by other horror games but simply do not understand what made Silent Hill or Resident Evil special. They are a negative asset to video games as artistic medium. They are actual frauds masquerading as a revival of survival horror. If that was even true, I'd want survival horror to stay dead if it meant Bloober Team did not exist.

Truly pathetic.

Of course there are better Tekken games, but I think it needs to be understood that this game changed fighting games period.
The music still fucks and it emulates well.

Prison. Prison for everyone who made this.

Infuriating self-important dogshit. From 45 minutes into my playthrough to the finish, I was screaming in my head "I GET IT. I GET WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND TRYING TO SAY."

These guys had no idea how to pad the length of this game as it's shock appeal is used up pretty early, and has nothing new to add after. It runs like shit, it is not scary beyond the first act.

To the game's credit it was mildly immersive at first, but having a vibe doesn't necessitate an interesting game. Let alone a boring walking sim that blows it's load early on and can't get it up after.