You know what games will age the poorest? The ones with full 3D environments where you have no free camera control.

Like yeah this looks nicer than the PS1 original, but correcting the camera by pressing the L1 button just makes you wish Sony tried to make a second control stick work on PSP.

PSP version feels good to play. Feels bad to look at. You can upscale poop dirt road textures as much as you want so they don't look like a sea of poop pixels, but you can't remove the poop from the equation. The theorem itself is poop.
Because of the default FOV and texture coloring, you will be looking at so much distracting poop textures, you will be drifting in a shit plane that is really hard to look at, let alone even process.

It's literally a shit game.

This game without mods is kind of boring. This game is still clearly being put together to have a full vanilla experience. I suspect that at the end of content rollout, probably won't hit as satisfactorily what you can get out of these mother fucking mods.

The mods in Valheim make Valheim worth talking about, because without them to curate finely-tuned server experiences you really have a nothing sandwich when it comes to fresh survival genre experiences.

I'm running this game in steam on the open beta playtest version of the game that allows this and that mods to make this run fuckin SICK.

Right now I'm playing in a private server with 15 other people with ValheimPlus and like the other 4 top downloaded mods you can find on rmodman2. It is extraordinarily fun to run through a relatively normie experience with so many quality of life features I cannot list them here; with a buncha guys who love base building, farming mats, and making a wolf breeding pit to create dozens of wolf dogs that destroy everything that wanders close to our fully moated castle town called Piss Village.

I'm so into Valheim I'm going to do a hardcore combat run where the map is turned off, leaving the server players have to craft physical waypoints to what location you need to go to. It's gonna be insane.

So yeah, vanilla Valheim? Aight.

Modded Valheim? It's now the best survival game.

This review contains spoilers

Do you know how fucked it is that you cannot legally buy the greatest turn based RPG ever made? That even the emulator to play the only platform it was released on is actually illegal and is now only fleetingly available to download on mirror websites that haven't been wiped from existence. A dizzying exchanging of a legally deemed nuclear football, all in service to prevent anyone from experiencing unique games that defy the tedium of its genre and defies limits on how brutal a game can be.

It's like the game itself achieved its own True Ending: wiping itself from existence as the cycle of death it represents is doomed to repeat infinitely.

This is the kind of shit that terrifies me about media laws and the fucked state of injustices that exist in every pocket of the legal systems that govern us. This earth shattering motherfucking CLASSIC is at the mercy of being remembered by those who jumped through the hoops to emulate it.

Nintendo is that fucking Minotaur. Beyond its watch, lies ruins of neglected software; and a underground that advances in defiance of its own imprisonment.

May the Minotaur never find and DMCA you

This game has everything you could ever want: gameplay revolving around ragdoll physics, sick mind powers AND a nu metal theme and tie-in music video That's it. It's over for the rest of these pretenders out here. I'm like that guy in that Junji Ito manga about fitting into the hole. This is my video game.

This game barrels over It's own stupid ass by being dumb fun. Fun that is dumber than anything it can be criticized for. I want more games where you levitate on doors. I want to possess the body of a man to kiss another man. I want to set people on fire. I want to harness the near infinite kinetic potential of my mind to order Chipotle on my jailbroken Neurolink. These are things only Psi-Ops The Mindgate Conspiracy can deliver. The limitations of what you can do here are gen six console processing and what I can fucking do with my mind.


Awesome idea. Cool environments. I really felt at times I was playing a SpongeBob Souls game. Kril is a good character. His enthusiasm for paying taxes makes him a bitch but I root for him anyway.

I got softlocked on the scenery, twice. And the music I find to be lacking for the good visual vibe going on here.

It's at the right price point for what you get.

I don't know who the fuck this cock sucking asshole SPIDER is but it surely can't be my boy REDIPS.

I love how this game looks. Stop animation being able to replicated this accurately through computer graphics is so great. The game looks goddamn beautiful. The plot setup is funny and so goddamn Wes Anderson-y but less obnoxious and not as in love with itself. I didn't mind the lack of gameplay either as I was sucked into the world.

Now having completed it, my question to the developer is WHY is this a game? This could have been a two and a half hour movie or a miniseries. Is it more profitable to make an 8 hour game for $40 on Steam than sign a deal with a movie studio? Actually don't answer that, because it probably totally is.

I was disappointed at the conclusion of this game, but I enjoyed the ride. I think this game will be remembered by film students trying to show how cool and deep they are by knowing this exists.

Seriously, you should support this when it's on sale because I want to see more from these guys, the Slow Bros. If you can't, just watch someone stream it. You'll get just as much out of it.

Yo what a banger. It's got the immersion of being a broke ass nosy detective nailed down.

In 2012, I accepted DD1 as an unfinished game with incredible potential to be developed upon in the future. I don't know if I have the heart to accept that DD2 to be in the exact same state. The combat so good but everything else is not done or just bad. I don't think waiting for potential patches or DLC is going to fix the game.

I like different, brutally difficult things. I just don't get enough out of this one to be up for the punishment. Is it incredible at times? Yes absolutely. Is it worth putting up with the bugs and balancing WORSE than the first game? No.

I think I need all the DLC to be out, subtle cheats, and some mods to get the most out of this game. It is a huge bummer to even feel like I got duped into waiting for another unfinished, unfocused, unpolished game because the ingredients are here to make one of the finest games to ever exist. It was just cooked wrong.

In the pussy like ↑ → ↓ ↓ ↓

This is a great example of a game that is for absolutely no one.

It feels like shit to play compared to the games that came out three decades prior. It was written like a 1980's/1990's cartoon with a "how do you do fellow kids" reverence for millennial humor and it just....fucking sucks to listen to and play.

Like, it's fine. But it's a mess and not worth your time. This game should be studied in how simultaneously mediocre and unappealing it is.

If you film your friends having sex before being eaten by an army of slug men, you will at least get 5 Youtube subscribers. Those Totally Accurate guys did it again.

Playing Palworld reminded of my time with this game. I beat it. I liked it. It was alright. I was just excited they did new things and if it wasn't for the Switch's specs it probably would have been better.

This next one of these Legends games will probably be really cookin'. They really have something here that needs refined to be snappier in it's moment to moment gameplay with mechanics that don't suck, and then Pokemon games are back on top. Competition is getting stiff though. I think with the power of their next device, Nintendo will be able to seal the deal in having world design with more environment detail. I'm sick of looking at fucking mountain terrain.