The Wii version was better, but now the emulator upscaled PS2 version is the way to play.

I don't know why they done and put some real effort into this when making this movie tie-in game. The effort pays off in most ways as the racing actually fucking bangs at times. Not crazy about the some of the courses because of how many damn curves there are but it's challenging at least.

Some dev of this game was like who cares if it runs at 12 frames at best we are going to nail manual blinking. Fuck the rest of this shit.

If you like cock and ball torture and Sonic '06 unironically you will be at home here.

If they actually made the game instead of a two hour demo I think this would have done big number. The quality teased and then ripped away from you feels like you're about to have the hottest sex of your life only for your partner to be Thanos snapped out of existence at the moment of penetration.

I'm sorry, did you actually want werewolves, tesla coil guns and blimp fights and themes of British imperialism being unjustified even in the existence of monsters? Too bad. Thanks for 60 dollars you fucking loser.

Hellblade? Hell, made me want to watch a movie instead. Senua sacrificed fun so the cutting edge effects and textures could live.

The story stuff is sometimes actually incredible. This girl goes through a lot of horrible things to just get by and you want to see her make it through. The game part of the game is torturously boring. The entertainment is the cutscenes and not all the visual tricks to pad the runtime and mask loading.

I have been thinking that these folks should make movies ever since they released Heavenly Sword on the PS3. Even the DMC reboot had good cutscene direction and these folks are clearly skilled in that way.

It beats spending time making games that are not really games but are kind of enough of a game to qualify as a game but there's a clear lack of investment in the game part of the game. You know what I mean? It's that kind of game. By that I mean a game enough to be put on game pass but barely passes as a game.

AI is a topic that will make people poop and pee. To that I say capitalism is the problem and your worries that the powers that be will kill you for not being useful to them anymore as a lil drone suckin penis or whatever you do as a job. That's real.

As far as entertainment goes, AI games like this will be the wave that might catch on. Suck Up! is a great step in that direction as I had fun lying in front of an audience of people who watched me play. I essentially was doing stand-up routines to suck the blood of like 30 NPC's and doing a new schtick every single time. The AI is responsive enough to have clever retorts when it can make sense of what I'm saying no matter how unhinged I was getting. It's cool!

Anyway, if you like lying and being funny, this game is a stepping stone to something potentially great down the line. I love being a vocally antagonistic asshole. By being that, I stress-tested and saw the cracks in the AI almost right away. The meta is apparently offering them cookies but that's no fun. The joy of this game is creatively making total strangers comfortable enough to let you in their house to suck them.

More please.

The Phantom Thieves are played out. None of them are real or will be my girlfriend anyway.

Behold, the King of Budget Racers. Good mechanics, fun sound track. Some dude might as well be screaming "DEJA VU" for half the tracks of this game. Initial D should be proud someone ripped them off in such a complimentary way lol

Is this game good? No. Is this game bad? Fuck no this shit is awesome. I was entertained the entire time I played it.

Here is a clip of the voice acting. Tell me you don't want to play this shit.

This is 3D Realms best game and just under Dusk as the best boomshoot that didn't come out of the 90's. Better than Duke. Better than Blood. I love this game's guns sound clunky and the cultists sound bitcrushed and deranged. Bodies are everywhere and more bodies join them as you mollywhop some clown ass cultists with some sort of ties to the 1960's Italian mafia.

Kill kill kill be mortified kill kill kill holy shit I'm in danger what the fuck is happening kill kill kill.

Fun mode. The challenges are awesome. If you are the kind of player to switch weapon mid-combo this DLC is for you. Valhalla is an aptitude test for your mechanical mastery of the combat; and a genuine healing journey. We've never gotten anything quite like this before. I beat it in less than six hours and my mind is blown from the quality of this FREE update.

The writing of God of War Ragnarok becomes somehow more powerful over time as it reconciles a lot of trauma Kratos and friends have over the terrible things that have happened in their lives and it's not corny in the slightest. If someone told me in 2007 that Kratos would go to therapy and have friends who accept him for exactly who he was, and as he currently stands -- I would not believe them. But we are here and this content is untouchable in it's healing narrative. I feel like a monumental task has been accomplished here.

Even the chuds who are going to be talking a lot of shit on Youtube and TikTok about this being woke and gay are going to be lowkey crying and finding emotional resonance and peace with what happens. There is going to be input delay the next time a hard R comes out their mouth. This shit is powerful.

Valhalla is fucking FREE too. Sony could have charged money for it but it was put out for free and I'll remember it as one of their biggest dubs of this year.

This game fucking sucks and it feels bad to play. I played it and involuntarily screamed "UGH EW" when I started moving around for the first time. Call it pee on a piss.

It was the fastest I ever refunded a game on Steam.

I've been seeing a lot of recent sentiment that Max Payne 3 is a big piece of shit game because of the setting and what it does to Max's character. I agree that Max should be in Jersey killing every Italian man that lives there, but Rockstar took over the franchise from Remedy and decided the game needed not only MORE blackjack and hookers, but the MOST blackjack and hookers on the planet. Enter Brazil.

Max goes there because he's in hiding from the Italian mob. Being hunted down by the mob never stopped him before, but like whatever shut up he's here doing shady security work for a rich, shady guy whose rich, shady family is definitely not going to betray him for rich, shady reasons.

Um, a good deal of the plot's major players have barely anything to do with Max. He's cleaning up someone else's mess for a big bag of money and is able to literally walk off into a sunset.

The music he walks off to is actually really cool, but it's not very Max Payne at all. In Max Payne 1 & 2, it was obvious Max couldn't shouldn't shoot his way to happy ending because there's always another motherfucker trying to take it away from him. This discount version of Max is just not that same dude anyway. It's the writing and voice acting that made Max who he was in the first two games, a tortured dude who is as extremely unlucky as he is supernaturally good at taking pills and killing gangsters like the Punisher.

The Max in Max Payne 3 is a dude forced to mostly do mercanary contract fulfillment violence while doing Marvel style quips. It makes me want to die hearing Max talk when he isn't miserable. I don't necessarily enjoy this dude being in a state of misery, but there's no nuance of character here. Max Payne 3 is dramatic, but sees the drama as something to compensate for with humor. This Max is a cardboard cutout of an older Max Payne who delivers Marvel one-liners in intense firefights.

I think a cocaine-addled producer at Rockstar thought Max Payne was cool but thought it didn't need the cool gritty crime detective noir with vague mysticism and Max only being attracted to women who die like a day after meeting him -- so he just cut it all out. "Let's turn down the contemplative ramifications of being addicted to painkillers and have a 50 minute shootout in a futbol stadium that sucks."

I have talked a lot of shit up front because it deserves to be acknowledged that Rockstar kind of reshaped Max Payne because they are obsessed with party culture and glorification of violence rather than take a moment to reflect on the psychological ramifications of prolonged struggle. It sucks dick this game doesn't have a memorable story beyond some shock moments.

Here's the thing: the shooting in this video game is awesome. They may not spend to much time on the dudes themselves to push any strong narratives, but killing dudes is on point. If you are challenging yourself to look cool with the tools at your disposal this game is a trickster's paradise.

It feels like a natural evolution of a Max Payne game in how it plays, but this is a piss poor continuation of the franchise. Not even in the flashback missions where you shoot hundreds of people in Jersey does it feel like a Max Payne game. Still worth playing though because got DAMN is it fun to play and kill shit.

Playing Animal Crossing with lower resolution textures makes everything more charming. It's so impressive for a Nintendo 64 game.

Oh my fucking god I had tears in my eyes from how hilariously racist this game is. The level of incompetence you could get out of Capcom between 2007-2015 was chefs kiss. And momma-mia this game is a spicy fuckaroni.

Great joy comes at the thought of culturally isolated Japanese people not thinking twice about having their zombie game take place in Africa and have the virus operate like Ebola. Don't worry, the main character is an out-of-place porcelain white dude dressed like Team America World Police agent soldier shooterman. The main villain is a nazi who cosplays as a netrunner from The Matrix. This concept will go really well guys trust me.

The actual fucked thing is the game doesn't do anything cool with it's African setting. Just favela-style infrastructure with melanated folks with huge bloodshot eyes. A majority of the game is just bland building structures that could be anywhere in the world. Boring.

Sheeva is a cool character that should have been the main character, but nothing is done with her other than to spout quips and be the living embodiment of "I'm not racist I have a black friend." as Chris tests Stand Your Ground laws by roundhousing a dude into a ramshackle fish market stand.

Aside from mowing down tribalists in wooden masks who chuck spears at you with a machine gun, the game's racism greatly tones down from Chapter 2 on. The game does a good job of making YOU feel racist by having the pacing fun slow way down after you stop slitting the throats of people and dogs in the street in exchange for some brain-dead puzzles and unengaging co-op platforming.

This game doesn't see color, because everything is brown as fuck. This game was peak sepia-toned nonsense. Fear not, because some sections are instead straight-up gray. You were supposed to be impressed by the HD textures and console performance instead of the color palette. Time has been unkind to that choice.

If this game didn't have good co-op for it's time I think this would have been...not as well received. It's co-op is still fun, but I played through the first couple chapters by myself and I was bored out of my mind. The game structure and setting are mind-numbingly dull compared to RE4. The trends it chased didn't pay off.

This is the perfect Steam gift for that divorced uncle who loves bringing up that Africans owned slaves too.

Harmonix titles live on through modded communities. I cannot see the lasting appeal of this mode. There are good tracks, but even if PDP releases a guitar accessory for this game; will people care about this mode in 3 months? Gonna put a big no on that. That is unless they pump quadzillions of dollars into supporting this. Something I don't see long term.

Fortnite is trying to be a platform other than shooty thing but idk dawg it's all a bit shallow.