15 reviews liked by Solluna


I had high expectations for Signalis since its release in October 2022 but was busy catching up to the genre with Silent Hill and Resident Evil to fully understand the depth of the survival horror era.

What a ride it's been, to come to the conclusion of nearly 30 years of survival horror with Signalis.

It was breathtaking for the entirety of my playthrough and I loved playing it.
But what's more is the understanding behind it. I had no problem witnessing the result of the magnificent community that worked together to ensure proper explanation and theories about the world to us and the audacity from the devs to make a deep enough story that self drives anyone to craziness as it did to the characters from the game.

The fact that two people created this game amazes me, and the level of detail and love that emanates from it makes me really grateful that inde dev can now express themselves to a wider audience thanks to the digitization of games.

Signalis is not a reference dump.
What's the difference between a good reference and a bad one, or between homage and plagiarism?
It’s the purpose, and Signalis' aim, to bring such a tragic story to life, moves me.

It's a compelling story of romance, purpose and promise.
A story in which the boundary of identity between gestalt and human is revealed in a magnificent movement of devotion.

I had to read a few theories online to fully understand some very simple plot details from the game's documentation. But I think it's part of the beauty of video games to be able to create a community that helps each other in a never ending loop of friendship that crosses the boundary of distance between players.

I love tank control, I love Tchaikovski, I love Lovecraft, I love romance, I love time traveling and loop, I love difficulty, I love NieR, Neon Genesis Evangelion, GinEiDen and Monogatari. What more to ask than Signalis to be one of my favorite games of all time ? God, I love video games.

"..I know you want to continue living... After all, you were just born. But.. I want to live too ! Like all other human beings !"

Square, I tip my hat to you.
Making FF VII was already a success but to follow with Parasite Eve a mix between Resident Evil and Final Fantasy.
It’s truly like a dream for me. ( RE is like my favorite video game license in terms of number of games i have play and the overall quality time i spend on most of them, and FF is something that I have always wanted to play as a child but unfortunately never got the chance. )

Although I started it late, I could smell the nostalgia from the gameplay. The CGI cinematic, the background, the camera angle and the instrumental/opera music.
This game made me a child again for the entire length of my playthrough.

Also Aya Brea made a straight jump in my top favorite female protagonist, with her unmatched charisma and epicness. With her combo of blue jeans, white shirt and black jacket, she has one of the coolest designs in video games for me.

While Mitochondria was a familiar term for me, I believe that I learn more in those 10 hours than in my entire year of highschool. Because this game is full of passion and I was blown away by how interesting the events are told and adapted to a video game.

Nonetheless, man, this game was hard.
In my opinion, nothing beats the good old fashion game where you had to think strategically, and learn from your mistakes.
I died a lot of times, but I had a really good time.
Isn’t that the essence of a video game ?

"We make games wild and wonderful"

This game is the processes of science in one of the best gaming experience you could possibly have.
It has one of the greatest illusion of known physics today and it mixed fun and intructive in a brilliant way.
Bathed in the beautiful music and mysteries of this unknow universe you'll discover a face of gaming you never thought existed yet.

One of my first VN, i didn't think i would love so much so the story and character.
Nonary Game did one of the best story telling using the Nintendo DS as is maximum potential to blow the player's minds away.
You will love it or hate it but Zero Escape : 999 is the beginning of a trilogie that will forever last in your memories.

End of original trilogy here and oh my god could Bungie Studios have done better ?
It's the pinnacle of a great shooter game mixed with patriotism and great story telling.
Nevermind the music even people who don't know who masterchief is recognize at least the Halo theme.
Halo 3 has to be your favorite Halo game because before possibly being one of the greatest shooter it's a magnificent prequel and ending for the Halo trilogie.
Doing that after the nearly perfect Halo Combat Evolved is proof that Bungie completly understood the player and made a story that we didnt even know we needed.
enhanced with very good multiplayer and coop mode.

I am a big fan of the movie "The Thing" By John Carpenter, always wonder how it would look in a videogame..
Now i know, and congratulation to the studio, they did transfer the most terrifying aspect of the movie, the stupidity of the crewmates / innocent

"How to make a great cover, great marketing and then drown in emptiness"

I enjoyed shooting, but this game looks like a fan made game full of reference and empty of work.

The game doesn't know how to tell a story and every interesting question is skipped, nothing make sense.
I don't understand since when RE5 and RE6 are inferior to this.

Inspiration is not necessarily a bad thing, but when your entire experience is based on over work, you fall in a lack of identity. This is not a game, it's a mockery.

One : Be skeptical think for yourself
Two : Don't play it, value your time a bit more.

"Everything that lives is designed to end. They are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death"

This is my second review, focusing more on the game itself than my post-game feelings about it.
--> NieR Automata first review

NieR Automata was - in my life - a turning point in gaming with all that it proposed.

The combat system is brilliant, and slightly different for each character - this is PlatinumGames after all.
RPGs mecanics, HUD and journeying through the city ruins, the desert, the forest or the attraction park is perfect from a level design point of view.
In addition to that, will culmine great boss fights to conclude those areas and make a face of between quality and quantity cliché. But with the repetition of boss fights comes different perspective dependant of the character you are playing as, adding stupefaction to the retelling of a story in a fight that became on top of that more rigueous.

But where it shine the brightest for me is in the narrative and in the secondary quest for that.
Yoko Taro and his team approach on the philosophical and META genre, it's my kind of cocaine, and Yoko Taro drugged me to death with his game.

Kaine Salvation's first experience in the Garden of Lunar Tears, the boss battle in the desert, the entrance to the theme park and the E ending turn an already really great game into an unforgettable media experience.

Where Yoko Taro made me think, Keiichi Okabe made me cry.
It is still today the greatest Soundtracks I ever listen to.
It reverbs brightly into a mix of beauty, intimacy, sorrow and prejudice. Those feeling then, opens the gate to the context of NieR Automata while witnessing the constant growth in the android's side, the robot's sides and the Weight of the World.

A gate to an artistic look into the video game genre, what a beauty it can achieve and convey to an audience, separated by the entire world but - at the same time - reminescent of the same experience.

"You're right. This is just the beginning."

Peak Gaming.
The 4 minute cinematic at the beginning sold the game for me. It was enough to make me understand the step Resident Evil 2 took in history.

Just like Metal Gear Solid 1 used the PS1's memory card and optimization to blow away a generation, using the save game to unlock the true ending is a good and original addition in my opinion.

I played the remake before I played the original game and I can safely say that I much prefer the 1998 version.
The blooming romance between Leon and Ada made it clear to me that they had taken Resident Evil to the next level. And I LOVE it.

Let's just say I'm a ghost, coming back to haunt your... dear brother.

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.

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