No the start date isn't wrong, that's how fucking long it took me to finish it.

I've already talked about my many problems with this game's writing, but to put it shortly, while the majority of choice scenes could be called 'poorly aged moments from 2008', I would argue many of them where outdated before the game even came out.

Otherwise, it's a Persona game. Yeah it's my least favourite so far, but it's still incredible, so I can't really fault it that much

Spent like the first 5 hours thinking "It can't be as good as people make it out to be".

Oh boy, it definitely is. This is now the third (fourth technically, but I haven't finished that one yet) Persona game to leave me emotionally broken. What a series

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The fact that you can punch Philemon at the end of the game was something spoiled to me like a year ago and originally, I didn't get why someone would do that.

I do now

Played with the PSX ost patch, worth it.

I get that some people will just always be turned off by how old school it is, but man this is just a perfect distillation of everything that makes Persona special. Every game has it's strong suits and and weaker parts that others do better, but P1 (at least to me) is the most well rounded in the series. It's not the best gameplay-, music- and story-wise, it's themes aren't as interesting as P3 imo. I wouldn't say it does anything better than other games in the series, but it does everything really well.

It really does feel like the first one in the series. And I mean that in a good way.

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So I did a NG+ run up to 1/20 to get all the trophies, cuz I fucked up my time management in the first playthrough and didn't finish two of the social links. Finally did it, also fused the ultimate persona so I'm not complaining anymore. Now that I've gotten my thoughts in order, this is what I have to say:

Life is precious, life is worth living. No matter how little time we have on this world, we should use it to the fullest. The connections we make are important and every single second we spend with those closest with us is invaluable. We don't have to be special to find meaning. All we need to do is live and care about those around us.

Is that an original theme? No. Did it break me, a person who has at many points in his life considered killing himself? Yeah, it did

If we were to look at this objectively, maybe the game is better than I think it is. But of all the games I've played, I fail to think of one I've forgotten about as fast and cared for as little as Fallout 4. I genuinely cannot remember a single one that has left me this empty and emotionless. I love this series and as someone who adores shitty and poorly aged games, I was prepared to cut it some slack. It just didn't give me anything to hang on to.


Dates and playtime are VERY rough estimates. First playthrough was on Gamepass, so can't exactly go back and check.

I look back on me from 2020 sometimes, and one of the things that always sticks out to me was that there was a time where I didn't care much for Hades. Oh how would he feel if he saw 2023 me struggling like hell to find a physical copy of it in the local stores. I did two runs. That's all it took for me to get hooked. Two runs and an obsession began that can still overtake me at any time if I just turn the game on. I thought the all the 'just one more run' people were insane, then I became one of those people.

...also the reason I started playing may or may not have been Thanatos. 16 year old me had a type, what can I say?

Yeah sorry didn't like this one that much.

The absolute best time I've had with this game were when I played with friends. Every other attempt at playing this just made me annoyed. I think the only reason I even stuck with it for so long was the Joker DLC. Did complete World of Light though, even got all of the challenges done, so you can't say I didn't give it a chance

While many problems from Renegade remain present, I can overlook them because of the improved starfighter combat, ground to space maps and the ambitious attempt to restore the campaign of BF3. It may not always work, but it brings back some of the charm that was missing from the last one

A lot of Battlefront's charm has been sort of squished out of the game due to the PSP's specs and UMDs' capacity, but the core of the old series is still there. Worse graphics and less options can't remove the fun of killing Stormtroopers

For the record, I enjoyed my time with the story mode. Had plenty fun, but every attempt to enjoy the game's other modes just... didn't go very well. Not to mention just how much I disliked the upgrade system. Maybe I would have stuck around a bit longer if fighting games were my thing, but they're not

Most of my playtime was on PSP, so sure, some of my problems may come from there, but I think the game's core is the problem here, not the port.

It's not that top down co-op play wouldn't work in this series, it's that the execution is incredibly poor. It feels rushed and unfinished.

So um, I don't really know how to gather my thoughts on this one. Still sort of broken after finishing it. All I can say is after the credits started rolling, I spent the next 10 mins loudly sobbing. I can't remember the last time that happened to me with any piece of art, let alone a video game. Yeah, that's it for now

All I'll say is John Williams' soundtrack for the movies is iconic, but Jeremy Soule's one rivals his and that's an achievement in it's own right

You know those games that just rewire your brain chemistry? Yeah this was one of them