This was one of the most interesting snowboarding games I've ever played... That has frustrating level design. I like the concept, the 2000s feel, and that you're trying to figure out a secret about the mountain, but FUCK THE LAST MISSION.

Crazy Itsuno just released Sex 2, but it's known as DMC 5

Great Co-op action fun. Thankful for the recent patch that makes the game more stable/removed GFWL from PC. This is a great bonding game if you wanna get closer with a friend lol.

While I like the expanded combat, and some of the new story beats are nice, this game fails as a remake, and has some questioning design choices in structure. It's still a good time, but I wish this game did way more.

It's funny when you have mods and Shrek is chasing you across Raccoon City

Definitely now one of my favorite music games of all time. Incredible setlist, so much customization, A ton of content to get through, and so much potential for 4 player endless fun.

It also made me discover what REAL music is.

This was pretty decent. I felt like it had creative ideas and levels, and some levels and sections offered a nice challenge.

On the other hand, there are some issues with the boss design, collision, and parts of the OST.

It's a good game that I hope can be improved in a sequel.

This was very enjoyable! Despite flaws, I had a ton of fun playing this! I even had fun with the Werehog stages!

I like the story too, and the HD version has moments that bring Sonic and Chip together!



A GODDAMN MASTERPIECE. I understand why this is many people's favorite game of all time, because it just became one of mine. I had so much fun playing this, and the story pulled me and so many directions and emotions. My God I have so much respect for Square back in its peak. I'm glad I was able to experience this.

This was one of my favorite revisits because I did every side quest I could, and that enhanced the story. Unfortunately, quests do get repetitive and using the Mako is SO BORING. Despite that, the shooting and dialogue/decisions really save this game. While the actual content in ME1 is so copy-paste that they repeat bases for every planet, The story around them, even for small short ones is fun to discover. Text boxes do get wordy, But I still want to read what happened on these abandoned facilities and what I can do to help. TLDR, I appreciate ME1 way more than I did 12 years ago when I played it for the first time. I can't wait to see how my decisions affect the story going into ME2 and ME3.

Hands down my favorite fighting game of all time.

and now it has rollback.

Getting into this game was a mistake I became a card horder

This game is funny bullshit I love it