(Used the HD Fan mod)

This game is a masterpiece. I was flat out addicted to this game. It keeps me on my toes introducing fun set piece one after another. Enemies were so fun to fight, as well as had strategy to them. Also Ashley was sweet, and a wonderful ai partner. Having Gyro Aim actually helped me enjoy the game to a huge degree.

The story was pretty goofy, but the gameplay really carries you along for this ride.

One of the greatest RPGs of all damn time.

What the fuck even happened in this game 2 :Desperate Struggle

It's no Katawa Shoujo, and some of the decisions in the writing I don't agree with (specifically Fang's identity), but I enjoyed the characters, the banter, the overall story, and had a good time overall.

A great modern update of a survival horror classic. Could of used some more time remaking certain aspects like the Crocodile, but overall a super fun game. Heavily recommend playing with Mouse Gyro Aim if you're on PC.

Nice short little expansion on SR4 that doesn't overstay its welcome. Still a fun little game to play during an afternoon session.

The best Sonic game to come out in 10 years.

Very experimental, have some faults gameplay and story wise, but overall enjoyed it. This is definitely a new age of Sonic, and I'm all for it if they improve the framework for the future.

Yea okay they made a good one

While advanced customization is gone, there's more things to customize, so many different campaign modes, GM mode is back (could be better), and the fighting system is... Actually fun!

why does Ruby Riott look like Doodlebob

This is probably the only Musou I've attempted to finish, and it's due to the fact that it's JAMPACKED with so much Zelda fanservice. It is flat out the ultimate package. Story is a bit mid, but there's so much to do, many enemies to beat down, and TINGLE!

Believe it or not. It's a simple and nice dungeon crawler. I liked the story, the soundtrack was great, and it can get pretty addicting.

What the fuck even happened in this game

Did you know I was one of the few journalist who reviewed this that actually beat the game?