This was one of my favorite revisits because I did every side quest I could, and that enhanced the story. Unfortunately, quests do get repetitive and using the Mako is SO BORING. Despite that, the shooting and dialogue/decisions really save this game. While the actual content in ME1 is so copy-paste that they repeat bases for every planet, The story around them, even for small short ones is fun to discover. Text boxes do get wordy, But I still want to read what happened on these abandoned facilities and what I can do to help. TLDR, I appreciate ME1 way more than I did 12 years ago when I played it for the first time. I can't wait to see how my decisions affect the story going into ME2 and ME3.

A GODDAMN MASTERPIECE. I understand why this is many people's favorite game of all time, because it just became one of mine. I had so much fun playing this, and the story pulled me and so many directions and emotions. My God I have so much respect for Square back in its peak. I'm glad I was able to experience this.

This was one of the most interesting snowboarding games I've ever played... That has frustrating level design. I like the concept, the 2000s feel, and that you're trying to figure out a secret about the mountain, but FUCK THE LAST MISSION.

Gameplay wise, this feels like the massive jump from Y1 to 2, and it improves on the gameplay and feel. They clearly took what worked and didn't work about LaD's combat system and improved it tenfold by focusing on positioning.

Storywise.. umm..well... There is much left to be desired.

Storywise this was one of the weakest in the series with weak villains, and the story stagnates a lot. There are great moments, but there wasn't a hook to keep me playing. I felt very disconnected from this title and it didn't surprise me.

This title reminded me a lot of Yakuza 0 where things are set up and the payoff to them is weak, But that game kept you going with its great characters and villains. And by the finale it all pays off.

Here... It hooked me at the beginning then forgot to reel in the fishing line.
This is not to say the game is bad, far from it. I am motivated to go back and do the extra content and side stories I missed, especially the Kiryu stuff.

I was just expecting more from this title as a massive follow-up to a game & series that changed my life for the better.
It's kind of funny. It's like Gaiden was the game that had the weaker gameplay, and the stronger story, and now it's swamped with infinite wealth with fantastic gameplay and systems, but a much weaker story.

Also the soundtrack was just okay. I want more bangers.

This was very enjoyable! Despite flaws, I had a ton of fun playing this! I even had fun with the Werehog stages!

I like the story too, and the HD version has moments that bring Sonic and Chip together!



This was pretty decent. I felt like it had creative ideas and levels, and some levels and sections offered a nice challenge.

On the other hand, there are some issues with the boss design, collision, and parts of the OST.

It's a good game that I hope can be improved in a sequel.

Easiest 5 Stars of my damn life.



Some elements are a bit spammy but good fighting game. Better start than 5 was

This is a game you can tell was made in 6 months.

To summarize, It's a 5 out of 10 game where 2 points are added because of the story and characters.

It is definitely a "LAD" game. But with the caveats a weaker entry would have. This doesn't mean the game is bad, far from it, But it is very underdeveloped.

To start off with, The game's main selling point with a new fighting style was absolutely dreadful. Agent style is completely underdeveloped and is useless a majority of the game. If it's supposed to be the crowd control style, give it more crowd control moves than just abilities that have to be leveled up.

I also really don't like the massive amounts of padding that was done to make the main story longer. You are literally forced to do side content to progress. This has never happened in any other game unless it's introducing a side activity. Progression in Gaiden was very frustrating, and it's because the game is only 5 chapters long. It turns a 7-hour game into a 10 hour one.

Despite my gameplay problems, I had a fun time playing this, and the story was well told (I don't buy the finale taking place during 7's events) and the ending actually made me tear up. As someone who is a huge 6 fan, I liked the story, and felt for Kiryu. The positive ranking is for the story, Akame, Akame Network, and some gameplay moments that were goofy. Unless I count side activities I missed, I probably won't go back to play this one for a while.

This was everything I hoped the remake was going to be, and much more. Gemdrops gave this remake the love and care it deserved by keeping the original feel and look, while streamlining the game itself. It's hands down my Game of the Year.

Definitely now one of my favorite music games of all time. Incredible setlist, so much customization, A ton of content to get through, and so much potential for 4 player endless fun.

It also made me discover what REAL music is.

Kind of crazy that they peaked at the first one without Harmonix. I still can't beat Through the fires and Flames. But god dang the song selection in this game is absolute fire.

Klonoa 1: This was a fun game that balanced puzzle solving elements, great character designs, and a steady growth of challenge from start to finish. I really enjoyed playing through it, and the story +soundtrack was pretty enriching as well.

However, I feel that the remake feels... flat. Like the only direction for the game was "just put Klonoa in 3D and have bright lighting." I don't get a feeling that this world is "dreamlike" if that makes sense.

It made me realize my sleep schedule SUCKS ASS

One of the greatest RPGs of all damn time.