Bosses are fine but enemy placement is just terrible. Some of the changes are pretty good a shame well never see them again.

Essentially the apology letter for OG2.

better than 1 and 2 in every way except exploration the most linear in the series. Amazing bosses start to finish and one of the greatest soundtracks of all time.

Just as amazing as the base game.

A perfect end for the series and i hope i never see the name Dark souls ever again cause i dont want Gael to be ruined.

Everything is just fine but it shouldve ended at the first city and not dragged one for another 10 hours.

I dont get it but it is a good game.

One of the greatest Roguelikes of all time.

The gores pretty sick ngl and its short so overall a pretty good experience.

It is a game with deadpool in it alright.

Fantastic Visuals, Sound , Gameplay but the remake does try to make it a bit more open and ruin the flow/pace of the original game.

Amazing atmosphere and unique enemies one of the definitive HD era horror game

Alies to DS1s Alien. More action oriented but incredibly fun with amazing set pieces.

Its a good game but nowhere near as good as Arkanes other output.