Pretty good campaign, plots has too many twists, combats pretty fun tho

Great gameplay absolutely trash plot. 90% of it happens off screen.

Why dosent this game have a thousand game projects based on it like metroidvania. One of the coolest games square made and then just forgot about.

Xcom but spies. Progressions system isnt as interesting and the plot alright. The more stealth based gameplay is unique and fun but a bit boring after a few hours.

Its cool but its very hard to play by modern standards you have to force yourself through it.

Pretty significant departure from the first one but it works out the combats and progression systems are still great and the Avenger system is cool.

Adds so much stuff it might as well be a new game. New units, enemies are great and new bosses are cool.

The best story in the kiryu saga and the best combat system too. An insane amount of side content.

Kinda janky now but its still a good game.

Just absolutely batshit insane plot where nobody dies when shot but a pretty fun game

Its less stupid than 4 but theres so much plot in it this one that no singular plot really gets to be the focus and becomes a mess. Kiryu's story is still amazing even tho this has the weakest villain in the franchise for him.

Used to be the perfect send off for kiryu but then things happened.

Mostly the same game as 0 but a lesser plot. Nishiki's story is cool tho

Ryuji GOATda is in it so clearly better than kiwami 1. Okinawa is beautiful and vibrant. The combat can be very hard if you dont grind the side stuff which is bs

best plot since 0. Turn based is pretty cool and job system is an amazing idea but you cant move freely in combat so its kinda annoying.