The middle ground between 1 and 2. Still not as staggerring an achievement as 1 but overall the most fun game in the series probably not the best.

The middle ground between 1 and 2. Still not as staggerring an achievement as 1 but overall the most fun game in the series probably not the best.

Even without the bugs its an ok openworld game that has some amazing side quests and an ok plot.

Fixes everything and adds so much stuff its pretty much another game still not as amazing the anime makes people believe it is.

More interesting than the base. Art direction is less eye melting and the plots choices actually matter.

takes almost everything from 1 and flips it on its head or improves upon it better cases too almost always.

Ace attorney if it was made by a deranged person.

Probably the best modern dungeon crawler

Amazing art style, Decent shooting and bad plot.

God of war but less interesting. Setpieces arent as amazing as GOWs and combat is pretty much the same.

Shockingly amazing follow up to the first one. Great exploration, combat, movement, art style.

Not as good as 2 but still pretty good and the souls like style fit it the franchise alright but 2 is just better honestly

Amazing game some bosses are annoying Capra and the dog fire lady at the end and it does fall off at the end but still one of the best games of its time.

Artorias is one of the best characters and boss of all time manus and dark place is kinda annoying tho.