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Splodey abandoned Control

2 days ago

Splodey earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

Splodey is now playing Control

5 days ago

6 days ago

Splodey reviewed Outriders
Fun co-op looter shooter, really has this 360 era vibe to it, which I actually enjoyed. There's not much to say about this one to be honest, it tries to be a 3rd person Destiny, but also just a regular co-op linear shooter. The complete edition tends to be on sale often, so it's worth trying.

I know many disagree with this, but I liked that there wasn't any grinding required to progress through the main campaign. While some might not like this "end game", I think it fits this game fairly well. Any longer and it would be dropped, since the gameplay loop isn't engaging enough to sink tons of hours into.

6 days ago

Splodey reviewed The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
Decent game, reminded me of crappy ARPGs I would play as a kid. Shame to say that it suffers from the exact same issues, it just overstays it's welcome. Halfway during the second chapter, you really feel done with the game and you got to see all there is to see.

6 days ago

Splodey reviewed Grim Dawn
Really wish they would fix the netcode, because currently playing it in co-op is a nightmare. Unless you're the host, prepare to be hitting air during every encounter. Shame, since it does seem like an awesome game...

6 days ago

Splodey reviewed The Getaway
It's one of those titles I've been meaning to play ages ago, but never got the opportunity. Gotta say, while it is very clunky, it has a certain charm to it.

Pretty ballsy to make an "open world" game with no UI whatsoever and while navigation takes a bit getting used to, I was surprised that it worked at all. The open world is more in line with the first Mafia game, where it serves more as a hub from A to B. There's not much going on in terms of exploration and free roaming.

Hands down the worst aspects about this game are the controls and the camera. It really feels like playing Max Payne 2 with Silent Hill controls. If you're emulating the game, be sure to make use of save states or else the game will frustrate the hell out of you.

While I enjoyed the game, I can totally understand how somebody would be off put in the first 5 minutes. It's a very particular experience, but worth checking out.

6 days ago

Splodey is now playing Evil West

7 days ago

9 days ago

Splodey is now playing God of War II

10 days ago

10 days ago

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