RIP (i didn't play you enough, and i wish i did)

i knew this was ahead of its time when i played it near release... the MEMES...

the dismissal and disrespect of the Unreal and Unreal Tournament name by Epic Games needs to be studied. and then universally lambasted


was fucking SOLID. deserved better once again.



i could never quite 'get' Civ 5, despite that i did find it fun especially with friends

reviewing from a 'new' runescape perspective, having played on and off since 2013 (a solid period being fairly recently) i have to say that current runescape has got it, but not in the way some would like. having also played WoW meant that the abilities didn't really phase me as much as it would others, which i totally get, but there is now a MASSIVE amount of content that one can do, and with graphics that match, you can get lost in it all in a good way

fuck the microtransactions though. that push is scummy

getting membership for the first time felt like winning the lottery with my parents. adore the memories and time i spent on this charming and wonderful game with friends

a p good indie space shooter/trucker game, not anything particular groundbreaking about it but can certainly kill some hours

was fun at times with friends

pick this and the DLCs up on a sale and have a good time, don't be expecting a great story or understanding it all initially given the BattleTech background

not having a good time? fortunately MODS (on both steam workshop and nexus)

this is team-based mech combat that has been refined and tuned over a decade, resulting in an excellent product and gameplay experience (once you get used to it)

HOWEVER the issue is that this product is plain pasta in a bowl. the pasta does not get much added to it, and will not, since it is only being maintained as a labour of love for the 'hardcore' players and fans at this point, whether they are always playing or take breaks from it (it is known that this game basically breaks even for the company)

as such, i respect MWO, and find myself occasionally indulging in it for a period, but can't help wish it was more and had the opportunity to shine once again, which will unfortunately never happen now