The gameplay ended up getting stale to me right before my last dungeon (and coincidentally right after unlocking the final form). That’s not a complaint, but in my mind an understanding from Drinkboc of what they had going.

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Great groundwork for a new direction for a relatively stagnant series. Finished up the main story and I’m going to explore some of the post game content. Probably won’t complete all the research tasks, but can see myself filling out the Pokédex since running little 30 minute expeditions to relax after work is nice.

I really loved the exploration. The ease of getting around after collecting all the traversal Pokémon is great.

The most disappointing aspects to me of the game is the lack of a solid art direction and the lack of a ear worm score. Both things I associate pretty strongly with my favorite games in the series.

Story missions are grating and The campaign gameplay couldnt get hooks into me.

The multiplayer has quickly become my go-to game when I have 30 minutes or so to kill. One of the best feeling FPS in recent memory for me.

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Great refined gameplay that doesn’t overstay its welcome. Good amount of collectibles that doesn’t become overwhelming, but does make going back and exploring with the later spells fun enough.

Accessing the tried ending with obscure goals in a night setting didn’t add much, but wasn’t too much of a chore as I caught most collectibles on my way through the first time.

True ending/100% clear time: 10:15:25