Slogged down by a handful of mini games that don’t work great. Other than that it’s a great execution of a fresh twist on the battle royale genre.

They did it again, what more can you say.

For some reason I thought this was a rogue like. Pleasant surprise to see it’s actually a top down puzzler?

Great soundtrack and I thought the visuals were charming.

A great weekend romp. Hits all the TMNT nostalgia notes for me. Control scheme leans into making it feel modern, but doesn’t quite go as far as I would like. Leveling system also feels weirdly off since it’s mainly just HP/lives in the story mode.


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Had a really good time with this one. I was initially put off by how little information is shared, but after the first hour or so when the pages started rolling in I was happy they took that route.

That final boss fight is also a huge difficulty spike even with (I think) all my stats maxed.

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Entered topside.

Gold gain in this was a little slow paced, but enjoyed it enough to see the main story through. Going to be my fallback game for awhile.

Biggest complaint is some classes (like the bard) change the game so much they’re almost no fun to play.

Even better than I remember. Went for the “secret” ending this time and cleared out all the bosses (not including chalice dungeon bosses) and DLC content off a fresh save. Everything about this game feels good except for making your way down the tower in a clumsy attempt at platforming.

The push and pull of combat with the rally mechanic and the firearm party system is a perfect combat system for the fromsoft formula.

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Kirby games are never long so this was a nice 10 hour treat after spending 60+ hours in Elden Ring. Great gameplay converted into the 3D realm. I’m happy the decision was made to make this mission oriented rather than true open world.

Also happy to see some “challenging” post game content aside from the normal boss rush and cleaning up any missed collectibles.

Their is a great platformer as the bones here. Unfortunately it’s bogged down by terrible combat and bizarre design choices.

I’m honestly shocked that a developer that has such a solid understanding of feel good platforming mechanics has such a misunderstanding of fun combat. Even going so far to put a combat arena in the game?

Some of the design choices are also burned into my brain making me think I would never replay this game. The looping subway where you have to stand around and wait for the gap to open back up is a prime example of a weird but passable choice of for me. However, the fact I have to go back through levels with minimal changes to get an ending is the other major lame choice. This is something I could accept if it was just platforming (because the movement is that good) unfortunately it means dealing with combat again, that’s a no go for me.

If the combat sections were ripped out this would be a significantly better game but alas it’s enough to make me drop this into the abandoned pile.

Dunno why this got such critical backlash when it released. Kind of short overall, but a trimmed down experience of what makes Kirby excellent. Interesting use of the robot mechanic, n at powers, and bite sized puzzles. Good game.

Playing this again with the booster pass now. Damn near flawless kart racing experience. Accessibility options are great so I can play with my niece and nephew.

Only complaint after playing some other cart racers (mainly Crash Team Racing) is that your skill cannot win a race alone due to AI rubberbanding. Not really a flaw in the design though as a party racer.

80 hour/first clear check-in: damn! What a game. It kept the fun factor up the whole game. This is the closest game I think I’ve ever played to an OSR TTRPG experience. I love that loot pickups are meaningful the whole game. I love that the skills available to you in the beginning of the game are just as viable at the end. I love the NPCs. I love the story choices. I love the Lands Between.

35 hour check-in: damn! What a game. Took everything I loved about the Fromsoft formula and improved it. I was really skeptical of the open world design, but I find it is perfect for avoiding any frustration with challenging enemies/dungeons/whatever. It’s nice to decide I can come back to something and get lost elsewhere in the world.

Progression in this felt lackluster. In a genre that’s really blown up in the past few years this already feels dated.

I will say the skull swapping essentially being a another ability can lead to some neat combos. Really the only thing that makes the combat that interesting in my opinion though.

Likely not going to do everything since not everything here is fun to do. Was a big fan of the story, but a lot of the side content felt bolted on.

Dueling mechanics were a lot of fun everytime, even if perfect parries and some of the later techniques turned them into a breeze.