The gameplay is pretty tedious and can get genuinely grating at times, but the story and characters are so good that it is easily made up for. I would recommend either reading the Persona 1 manga or playing the game so, as there are a good amount of references and callbacks, though it is by no means necessary. If you're a Persona fan, I would definitely recommend playing the P2 duology.

One of the best games ever made. I won't go into detail, because the less you know about this game going into it the better, but the art, writing, gameplay systems, and music are some of the best you will ever see in a video game.

Please play this game, but do not support the bastard publishers. Take that as you will.

Highly flawed experience with so many little things that you could nitpick, but that isn't what matters to me. This is my favorite game of all time, not because of its gameplay, but because I genuinely don't think I would be here to be writing this if I hadn't played this.

Fusion is ass, but at least it's better than it was in SMT I and II. Despite that, this is one of the best pieces of art I've ever experienced. The atmosphere, press-turn combat, demons, and thematic depth of Nocturne make this a must-play for anyone who enjoys turn-based RPGs.

If you're looking for more classic Fallout, this is a great choice. It isn't nearly as long or, in most cases, as in depth as 1 or 2, but it is a very well written resurrection (holy shit it's the name of the mod) of the original Fallout style of story telling and worldbuilding.

Phenomenal for what it is. I had a great time with this and I believe it to be one of, if not the, best examples of gameplay that this series has to offer. That being said, the price of this is ridiculous, and was even more so at launch. Twenty dollars, or thirty at launch, for something you can 100% in then or so hours. Get MGSV Definitive Edition on sale or from a key seller for fifteen bucks or so.


One of the most interesting rogue-likes I've played in a long time. The liquor system mixes phenomenally with the gunplay and the enemies are near perfectly designed. The music and the artstyle are phenomenal. If you're a fan of Hotline Miami, definitely check this out and give the OST a listen on youtube (Lateralis posted an official upload on there). I haven't beaten it yet, but I don't plan on stopping even after I do.

Busted ass game, but I have way too much fun with everything the game provides to care. The gameplay is intoxicating, the story is interesting, despite being to enigmatic, I don't even need to mention the soundtrack (which sounds even better on vinyl), and the atmosphere and style the game has is genuinely impressive. Definitely my favorite game to speedrun, despite there only being a few real skips in the game.

Very fun game with a decently interesting story. I enjoyed the character progression from the first game, despite there not being too much of it. As most Castlevania games go, the story and characters are the least important part. The design of the map is pretty good, and the controls and combat have been improved from Aria and a few of the souls have been as well, but the use of the touch screen is a needless gimmick that interrupts bosses and wastes time. On top of all of that, the grinding for souls can be ridiculous at times and completely ruins the flow of the game at times. The game could be a 9/10 if the seal system was completely replaced by keys and you were guaranteed an enemy's soul the first time you kill them. I've heard of a version that removes the touch screen mechanics, but as it is, this game is really fun, with a lot of room for improvement.