good season before comp players ruined it

it’s really funny that someone thought billie eillish would be a good fit for a rhythm game. anyways, pro mode sucks and i’d rather just play rock band 4. having colored buttons non pro mode is a really cool addition tho. new tracks are good besides billie being an awful featured artist. you can tell they’re starting to take the game seriously with a lot of the new tracks in the game.

this season brought me some of my most played tracks. pretty good season besides the gaga tracks not having many of her best songs.

Pretty good! Has some issues but i’m always willing to support a rhythm game in the mainstream considering how niche the genre is. Besides bugs, one of the biggest issues was just the lack of (good) content. the songs chosen aren’t that great and not even just in the sense that i don’t like them. most of the songs chose just don’t translate into charts that are fun to play. most of the songs picked are boring pop songs with easy and repetitive charts. i highly regret buying seven nation army cuz now everyone is trying to play that boring ass song from my shared library and it makes me never wanna play online. speaking of never playing online, i fucking hate featured songs! due to what i assume is the quest from playing featured songs, everyone pick them in online lobbies. hearing barbie girl that many times can drive a person insane! looking forward to season 2 and i hope they shape fortnite festival into its own thing throughout its lifetime. hoping for some variety in the venues, more interesting songs, and maybe even customizable lanes. so many features they could add to the game so i really hope improve this game a lot more.

Not rating cuz I couldn't even make it thru a single race, but like genuinely what is the deal with this game. Like who the fuck does this game think it is.

My go to rhythm game anytime I'm at Round 1. I have spent an unbelievable amount of money on this game just to have some bald guy with a bandana tied around his head steal my spot after refilling my card and kill it. Plenty of great tracks to pick from and they all feel great to play. Need to get back to Round 1 someday to play this again.

Not gonna give it a rating since I didn't have the peripherals, but still kinda disappointing. Charts were meh and the soundtrack was kinda just there. None of the songs really stood out, but i appreciate the variety by trying to cover plenty of genres with some ska and electro industrial tracks on here.

Not sure how different the PS2 port is from the arcade port, but since this is the only listing on here and it mentions the PS2 version in the description, I'll just leave my review here for now.

Today I booted up John Madden Football. Don't find much time nor do I have the energy to play video games as much, so I figured maybe a round of John Madden Football could get me in the mood. I didn't really feel like looking at any controls or rules or anything, but I caught on and got a touchdown and then eventually won my first game. I said out loud to myself "Wow! What a thrilling football simulation" as my favorite team, 'Philadelphia' scored a whopping 7 points against 'New Jersey'; both of which are supposed to be the Eagles. As I sit in my chair full of excitement after winning, I turned the game off and opened up backloggd to document my experience. Tomorrow I will be playing the sequel, John Madden Football 92. Maybe that game will have officially licensed teams. My pussy is quaking in excitement.

Anytime I boot up an old game with its servers still up and I see just one lonely person online, it fills me with some sort of happiness. Realizing that there's someone else out there who wanted to play some weird obscure multiplayer game besides me brings me comfort. While playing through this game, I almost felt myself wanting to become interrupted. While I started to feel a bit anxious by the 2 minute mark due to anxiety of what this game had waiting for me and even if there was in fact someone out there digging around and discovering this weird old game. My anxiety faded, and I almost wanted to become interrupted.

I like to imagine playing this when it first came out as if there would be some competitive aspect to it. Almost like taking a multiplayer game and stripping it down into bare bones nothingness. Remove all the guns, and turn it into an endurance battle. A battle to see who would make it to the end of the 5 minutes which is similar to the length of the average multiplayer game.

While there isn't any sort of competition playing this game now, there is comfort. As mentioned before, I imagine myself being filled with joy realizing there is someone else out there like me discovering this game. Such a coincidence occurring would just feel too good to actually happen, which is why I almost want to boot up the game again to see if I can get it to happen.

Anyways, for a game so empty, it's so full of ideas. Even if the game is as snarky as it is, I'm content with what I played. I don't imagine this game was meant to be played this far down the line to the point of having people reflect on how its contents relate to the gaming industry and the feeling of being unique in the world, but it sure does a pretty good job at relaying those ideas.

i’m a big fan of the original doa. it’s speed reallt makes it stand out compared to other primitive 3D fighters around the time. I’m not a huge fighting game nerd or anything so i’m not too familiar with any super technical shit or differences between this version and the other ones, but I enjoyed it. the lack of any sort of story kinda sucks but the characters are at least pretty cool. Fun game where my only issue is that the whole grab/counter gimmick is fucking garbage and some of these mfs do way too much damage

season was fine but i barely played it cuz this map is horrible. can’t wait for this dog shit chapter to go away.

just realized i never logged this chapter. probably cuz it sucked and i never played it. jungle setting wasn’t even terrible, but it was just a lot of wasted potential. the lack of destroyable structures and general placement of the map was horrible.

A lot of 7th gen jank but still a good time. The game really became kind of miserable towards the end where combat became a huge emphasis and the game opted for level design that required a lot more perfection which just made the later half of the game miserable. while the first half was a lot about running away from enemies and most enemies you had to fight were weak and not too tedious, the second half has you running head on into armored enemies and it just isn’t fun in the slightest.

i’m willing to defend mirrors edge a lot despite its major flaws due to just how unique it is. i’d really love to see more first person platformers since it’s a really underrated genre. all the style is also incredible as well. beautiful architecture, amazing use of minimalist hud including the objective markers, perfect soundtrack to compliment the visuals, the great looking cutscenes. it’s the kind of game where it seems like a sequel should fix all of the shortcomings this game had with its shoehorned combat (which i didn’t even hate, just thought it was poorly used. would’ve been better if combat was only against the smaller guys without armor) and clunky movement, but apparently the sequel is worse. Anyways, it’s still cool that such a unique game came from a AAA studio in the 7th gen. here’s to hoping mirrors edge will get another chance in the future. this game deserves another chance.

really cool game with some really good puzzles and story moments, but i can’t get behind how unoriginal this game can be at times. takes an annoying amount of inspiration from its contemporaries to the point that the sometimes clever writing never feels justified. feels more self indulgent than anything but less in an artistic way and instead in a lack of talent way. probably wording this awkwardly, but if anything, this just feels like a testament to how good other games like portal 2 and stanley parable are considering they’re still being ripped off to this day. not gonna call it bad tho cuz despite the shit controls, i love the gameplay and gimicky shit like this. also like i said, the story wasn’t all bad besides it’s ripping off of other better games and it’s awkward use of quirky portal esque dialogue.

very disappointing after how good 3 was