Would rank it 0 stars if I could

I got this game when I was a kid. I still feel the disappointment to this day.

THE ONLY GOOD BUG IS A DEAD BUG god I love this game so much

10/10 The best fighting game I have ever played. Perfect in every regard. I would give this a whole extra star if I could.

This game might be the most underrated game I can think of. Excellent and super easy to learn combat with a (mostly) killer cast. The online is dead as hell, but if you have a buddy to play this with, I can't recommend this enough.

This game ruins you. Autism recommended required.

10/10 Makes your blood turn into gasoline

This game was fun! The characters were interesting and the gameplay ahem LOOP was a blast. Probably not gonna replay any time soon, but definitely worth a shot if you're even considering playing this.

A masterpiece and a true classic. Not much beats this.

I am unbelievably biased when it comes to this extremely flawed game. It was my first souls game and it is still my favorite of the trilogy.

Lucky Chloe is hilarious and Akuma makes me want to kill myself. Easily 4.5/5

Ehhhhh this game just feels like Overwatch 1, but with much more hellish monetization. Balance feels like a bit of an issue at the time of writing. Bugs appear often as well.