This was one of my first experiences with PC gaming, and I still love this game to death. It's really odd, but it is well made and I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys old school isometric adventures.

So I love the boardgame, I just don't think this version is nearly as good. But hey, when I'm intoxicated at 1am, this fills a void in me.

I liked Galaxy 1 more, but both are great. This one just needs ported onto the switch as well.

I played it for the first time in 2021, and while it's showing some age, it's still really fun. It's full of beautiful edgelord cringe and style.

I don't love it as much as Xenoblade 1, but it's way better than 2. I will say, if you don't like cutscene heavy games, then you should definitely skip it. If you've played either of the previous games then you should definitely play this one as well.

Imma be weird and admit I don't really like game. I don't like the design of collecting many, often Very Easy, moons, as opposed to a medium number of discreet levels collecting some kind of star.

Really odd game. Really hard game. Wouldn't play it again....or would I? I don't know, it is strangely addicting.

Look, it's not really that great. I don't know if I could recommend it to any modern gamer. But I had SO MUCH fun playing this as a kid.

By far the weirdest game I played on the Wii....maybe the weirdest game I've ever played. I can't really recommend it. It's not terrible.....It's just not good and very weird.

My favorite game of all time. I was part of the original Operation Rainfall campaign to get this localized. The story? Superior. The Gameplay? Superior. The quests? Okay some of them are boring, but rebuilding Colony 6 and the Giant's quest lines are amazing.
The Characters? Still my best friends.

The Switch version is better, but this is still the most boring zelda game and finnicky as hell. The only thing I really like about the game is added lore.

The HD remake is a superior version of the game, but, even in it's original release this was one of the most beautiful games ever made. The story is epic and funny and heartfelt, the gameplay is fun and original, and every few years I have a lot of fun replaying it.

It has my favorite hubworld in a Mario game, and it's truly beautiful to play.

Best RPG on the gamecube. It's aging a little roughly, and the new ports aren't really adding anything to it, but it's still worth playing. The story and gameplay are phenomenal and were super influential in my development as a human. There's a reason I put 300 hours into it.

My favorite Zelda game, and top 3 video games overall. It doesn't get the love that Ocarina of Time received, but I think it takes the formula of A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time and perfects it. If you want a "traditional" Zelda experience, this is the best it gets. It also just has the best story in the series, and one of the best stories on the Gamecube.