Significantly better than the first. The story is better, the gameplay is better, the world is better. They approved upon everything from the first game and I enjoyed my time with this, should probably play second son at some point, lmao.

Yeahhhhh, I kinda wish I skipped this honestly, but it is what it is. I finished it in one sitting so it’s not much. Same stuff as 2, it’s fun the play, and the concept is semi interesting, but that’s all it’s really got going for it.

One of the best souls games that they’ve ever made. It’s so unique compared to the rest of the series, besides Sekiro obv. I love gothic lovecraftian horror and this delivers. The combat is much more fluid and less clunky, you aren’t dodge rolling like dark souls, you side step out of the way of all the attacks and it’s so cool. Also parry gun, enough said.

This is my fav game oat (even tho it’s a trilogy) I’m gonna rate every game individually as well, but this edition is like, the best things ever. A remaster of all 3 games plus all dlc’s included, it’s literally perfect, I absolutely love this game to death, I don’t think anything is ever gonna too this.

This is almost a polar opposite game gameplay wise compared to the first. They god rid of most of the rpg elements in favor of making it more actiony, which, is alright, because the combat is still really fun. The story got a boost tho which is nice, the stakes are higher and more dangerous. Most of the plot is just recruiting members for a suicide mission, so even tho it’s simple, it’s still really good. Most of your party members are fucking fantastic in this game, they really went all out with them, even tho I do think it’s a little too much, the first game had 6, this one has 12 which is actually insane. There are a couple in here that aren’t great, cough cough, Jacob, but otherwise they're all written really well. This is the most popular game in the series, and I can see why, just not for me.

This is peak right here. They around upon pretty much everything from the previous game. Better story, new combat moves, plus new weapon, more character development, which I’m always a sucker for. There is literally one thing I didn’t like about the game and that’s the Atreus sections. They aren’t bad by any means, but they bring the pacing down so much and his combat isn’t as engaging to keep interested too long. Most of his sections aren’t too long so you can kinda get through fairly easily, except for his first one. That shit is over 2 hours long and it’s such a slog to get through, that’s the only real low point in this otherwise amazing game.

Oh this game did NOT need a remake, but it is what it is. I still enjoy the game, the story is really well done with so many heart wrenching scenes that still get me years later. Joel and Ellie make this game, they’re the heart and soul of it, the va’s did such a wonderful job. The gameplay is a little whatever honestly, it’s a basic third person cover shooter with some minor looting/crafting mechanics, they work well, and they get the job done. But yeah, the story sells this game hard.

Here we go. I don’t see the hype. The story is, kind of a mess for me. It starts off really strong, but the pacing is just, god awful. Splitting up the game into two parts with Ellie and Abby isn’t a bad idea, but it’s done in such a weird way. Having flashbacks in the middle of your chapters while shit is happening is not something you should be doing, I know they’re there for a specific purpose, but they could’ve been done way better. Personally, if the game was told in, mostly, chronological order, I think it would benefit greatly. The last act of the game pisses me off so much. The game should’ve been 2 hours shorter imo, I don’t hate the ending like a lot of people, I’m okay with Abby living, I just don’t like how it came to that conclusion. She should’ve had this same finality hours ago but the game apparently needed to keep going. Combats fun tho. :)

It’s fun, that’s kind of it honestly, lol. It’s definitely dated, and very wonky to play sometimes. Story is a little bare bones and the game looks really fucking ugly, which, I know is kinda the point, but idk.

The black sheep of the series. This one is, definitely something. This was unfortunately a broken mess at launch, it’s definitely better now, but the facial animations still aren’t all that great. Some positives I do have is they did what I always wished for and make exploring planets not terrible like the first game. That’s honestly the best part of the game for me, driving around the new planets and doing side stuff. Some of the party members are interesting, but most are just eh. The combat is very fun, it’s much more fluid and flashy. It’s definitely a faster paced fighting than the og trilogy. Ryder, he main character, holds nothing to Shepard, they do an alright job, but you can definitely feel the hole that is felt without them. This was gonna get a sequel, which I would’ve bought and probably enjoyed a bit, but it got scrapped since this game did so poorly. So we’ll never see the end to this story, ah well, MASS EFFECT 4 HERE WE COME BABYYYYY.

Better combat, better environments, better story, but same old Kratos, lol. That’s like my biggest flaw with the earlier games, Kratos doesn’t grow as a character all that much (not until 3) and I think that’s okay for the most part. I enjoyed the new weapons and locations, the ending is a little messy but it is what it is. I still prefer this over the og.

This is the best buggy mess of a dlc ever, lol. It’s so fun to ride around the west killing zombies and taming the horses of the apocalypse when it’s working. The story is kinda lackluster and bare bones for the most part, but that isn’t what you’re here for, you’re here for a fun time, and it definitely delivers.

This is such a fun time, I love Spider-Man so much, and this is perfect. I’m a big fan of the Arkham games, and having that formula in Spider-Man flavor is a dream come true. The story is nice to have, an older Peter story instead of the same recycled high school story, having him already be experienced is such a nice change of pace. The combat and gadgets are all super fun to play around with and swinging around the city never gets old. Absolutely adore this game.

I’ve always heard about how good this game is, and I’ve always been like, it can’t be THAT good, I was wrong, it definitely is that good. I’ve always preferred Greek myths over Norse myths cuz that’s just what I knew more growing up, these games changed that for me. Norse shit is so fucking badass and I love it. It does a really good job at movies Kratos into this setting, and as someone not from this world, like us the player, it does a great job at introducing to him as well as us. As much as I like hack and slash gameplay, this gameplay really hooked me, it’s not as like, in depth with moves and combos you can do, but it’s still so engaging with what is has that it never went stale for me. Definitely prefer these god of war games to the ogs.

Since I’m a sucker for hack and slashes, thank you DmC, and I really wanted to try the newer games, I figured I’d start with the ogs so I could get the full experience. It’s solid. The combat is fun and the story, what little there is, is interesting. Kratos at this point as a character isn’t all that much, he has depth, but, for the most part he just yells at everything. The area you spent most of the game isn’t my fav honestly, but it’s still enjoyable nonetheless.