I hate the Diablo loot system and its influence on gaming.

What a clever game, dark comedy done right.

One of the worst games, the only good thing about it was the open world itself.

This is one of those games where im tilted in one minute and satisfied and happy the next minute. Rollercoaster.

Genuinely one of the most engaging and well made turn based combat systems.

A rare gem, that doesn´t get the recognition it so much deserves. The plot is genius with unexpected turns and a strong cadre of characters. The battle system, being on par with the story shows incredible depth with much variety and possibilities. The decision, not to make FMVs for the story sequences but instead using the in game graphics greatly helps the immersion, making smooth transitions from cutscenes and gameplay possible and with that offering a on top presentation.
Easily on of the best games ever to be made.