6 reviews liked by StitchedWound

This game is bad. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. I resent those that say "DMC2 isn't THAT bad," because it actually is that bad. I was honestly shocked at how much worse the game got when I kept playing. I would think, "Surely, it can't much worse than this," but then it does!

This game literally killed Volition

I went in with an open mind and Saints Row 2022 still managed to be worse than anything I could have expected.

The narrative isn't silly enough to justify how nonsensical a lot of the characters and world stuff are. It's also not grounded enough for me to care about the stakes it puts it's characters through. I never once cared for the dialogue spouted by the Ryan Reynolds wanabe protagonist. It's so so dull.

The gameplay is just tired third person shooter stuff, but it can't even get that right. Since SR 2022 feels notably worse than 10 year old games. Nothing much of value here.

I haven't even mentioned bugs yet. I'm usually someone who is very generous for bugs and glitches because they're so often either funny or non-intrusive. The bugs in Saints Row just mean core things like opening car doors won't work until you reboot your console. FUN STUFF.

I played 50 hours of this in coop only to have a trophy glitch on me. Dogshit game.

Saints Row (2006) if it was remade by r/fellowkids.

For every improvement unbound has it does like 10 steps backwards from Heat. Just go play heat (especially if online/co op matters to you as in unbound the story mode and the online are completely separated. Which completely murders this game for me. I like to play the story and mess around with the co op and online.) It's cheaper and superior in nearly every aspect.

this game fuckin sucks oh my god