While the controls are indeed the weakest portion of the game the 3D platforming is elevated with the FLUDD mechanic to make traversal of each level replayable to the point that the stars are fun. Adding in the stages without FLUDD becomees a fun change of pace. Level design could do with being more distinct and analog controls are a must for FLUDD and movement if you don't want to tear your hair out.

A fun game that is really unique while still feeling familiar. It's still the best in its franchise. Enjoyable, succinct, doesn't over stay its welcome which is why I still wish there were more of it!

Where do you even start with this? On any given day it can be a completely different game. It's the sequel to a major part of my childhood and when it first game out it was a dream come true. It was a game that lacked the issues I had with League of Legends done by Valve with Icefrog it was a dream come true.

Over the course of the next decade the game underwent a variety of changes both small and large and while I didn't agree with or love them all it was still an excellent time particularly with friends. Over time it became more difficult to keep up with each change and meta permutation, a match became something I increasingly wished I could step away from in the middle of especially during 90+ minute grinders, the game took itself both more and less seriously and slowly I came to realize it wasn't the game I loved anymore. If you enjoy the moba genre and want to try a game with a long standing legacy and engaging mechanics that will reward skill improvement and knowledge significantly then sure give it a shot but if you've been sucked into the moba genre for years and years where the matches are less fun every day just remember you can stop playing it.

This was the first non-educational game I played as a kid. Do you like Doom? Do you enjoy the idea of killing snot monsters with a spork? Ever wondered what Doom would be like if instead of a bunch of guns you had a handful of weird alien remote controls and were dressed like a cereal mascot? If you said yes to any of these, you'll almost certainly enjoy this game.

Fun game that helped teach me chess at a very young age much to my dad's delight.

the AI is good enough to feel interesting without feeling cruel. tier 3 boost is still op. Otherwise an adorable racing game that really goes all the way with its theming.

Oblivion represents the first step in a depature from the immersion that really made prior games so special. Deciding to voice characters was a mistake given how little budget they had for voice work after paying Patrick Stewart for his 15 minutes of time alive. The inability to kill certain "essential" NPCs makes sense for a modern game design perspective but it's still very jarring to throw a giant fireball at a room and have everyone die except Jeff the Essential Character who wakes up like it was nothing.

The story was fun, the side quests entertaining with a special shout out to the Dark Brotherhood showcasing just how much they wanted to try with the game engine. Things in the world tended to start to feel more samey with the exception of the Shivering Isles. Truly it seems like this game needed a bit more time in the oven.

I've played this game off and on since it came out 20 years ago. While it definitely has dated mechanics that may deter some people the realization that combat in particular is a secret d100 system basically at least makes the action of swinging a sword at a rat and missing make more sense even if it still feels like a bummer.

Beyond this this is the last TES game that really captures the feeling of starting out a nobody who just got released from a prison ship who ends up becoming a god. The systems are exploitable, some things are broken, but it's a massive world where you really can stumble into anything, even things you're not supposed to. While fast travel is limited it does help to make the world feel much bigger than it would otherwise. If you're looking for a game where you can do anything, even subvert the main story of the game, this is is it if you're willing to invest some time getting there.