How the hell did a game where you take things out of boxes and put them on shelves make me cry? Definitely hits harder if you're the right age and gender, but seeing the same stuff from house to house still got me.

"power of friendship" shut the fuck up

it's fine, but I was never the biggest fan of the original

Best souls game and it's not even close

Sonic fans do what sega don't

A breathtaking experience I never want to do again.

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Fuck Gwynevere
Marry Sigmeyer
Kill Patches

Compared to other souls games, yeah it's a bit slow.
In a vacuum, this game is a masterpiece.

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Prince Lothric is the best fight in the entire series

Phenomenal game, but it's hard to appreciate when megalovania is played every 5 minutes on the internet.

Funny game that you should NOT play on PSVR

Very funny and creative game, just lost interest.