When you get into combat with the well-thought out Legion system and experience the gorgeously animated sci-fi setting with the well integrated UI, it's great.

When you're doing ANYTHING ELSE, it really isn't. There's nuggets of fun gameplay in here but they're buried under overly long investigation segments, shitty stealth, unfun required side missions and a shockingly bland story. Not awful but could've been much more, and I hope if this game gets a sequel we get a tighter iteration on the formula.

A tightly designed game in every sense except for being a strong competitive fighting game. Subspace's length can be a slog but it makes a fun co-op experience.

One of the most lovably goofy games I've ever played. Yes, it's janky in places, the cutscenes are so bad they're hilarious, the camera can get in your way and yes Big the Cat is a stupid idea (although his section can be over in less than half an hour), but there's a lot of fun ambition and experimentation in the level design that pays off with how strong Sonic's core control feels

The story is debatably the best in Modern Sonic; despite the utterly bizarre concept it stays surprisingly true to the convictions of its characters and balances its light and dark elements fairly well. The soundtrack rocks as well.

Real shame about the gameplay.....

A great game in pretty much every regard EXCEPT actually playing it. Top tier storyline, surprisingly, but the gameplay can really drag in the later levels when baby mons go against legendaries. Plus the friendship system blows.

While Kazooie is still a personal masterpiece, Tooie's notably harder to go back to thanks to a lot more dodgy design choices, infinitely more backtracking, and some pretty asinine sections like the FPS levels or first person flying stages. Still a good time even if it's too big for its britches.

The Empire Strikes Back of sandbox games starring talking animals. Bigger, darker, more interesting, better laid out (if somewhat padded), Sly 2 is the perfect example of a game that builds off of the original while crafting a compelling place for its own.

City Trial is an incredibly fun mode to play with friends and still holds up really well.

Everything else?........................................................exists, but doesn't leave a lot to go back to you can't get from other racing games.

The humor was pretty charming when it first released and its scenario variety is excellent but the sheer quantity of dodgy design choices (especially near the endgame) and sluggish gameplay animations keep it from being something I'd ever want to replay.

One of the most disappointing sequels I've ever played. While Pac-Man World 2 may have its hiccups and bizarre difficulty spikes, World 3 is a monument to emptiness. Mildly amusing dialogue aside there's almost nothing to this game. Go from empty area to empty area engaging in boring overlong combat hoping something happens. It's more functional and feature interesting than a DMC2 but no less deflating and uneventful

Rough around the edges in places but a very good game that excellently takes advantage of the Wii's excellent AR sensors without waggle shit. Some parts near the end are rough and it's kind of a one and done but it definitely didn't deserve the awful treatment from its publisher.

Fun while it lasts but feels like it ended 1/4 of the way it was supposed to. There's some strong mechanics in here that don't have enough design to truly flourish and playing it solo is pretty miserable, but it's a good time with a friend, bolstered by its excellent presentation.

Name a modern FPS with this many features and this much content outside of a campaign. I'll wait.

I love when games have these multiple character stories coalescing into one, even if of them, only 4 of the 6 characters are any fun to play.

Story rocks though; it could've used a bit more budget to push that style but it's fairly interesting and engaging to follow.