The main reason I prefer the original the most out of the others in the franchise is that the characters, for as forgettable to me as they were, still had a group dynamic I could grasp to an extent. Saying this shitty sequel is the contrary is an understatement.

Whereas in the original most of the characters I didn't care about, here they are rather that or the most mind numbing pieces of fiction I've ever had the displeasure of seeing grow on me less as the months pass by (with a couple exceptions that I like). I said for the original that if your characters in your VISUAL NOVEL are rubbish then you have failed at one of the most important essentials of the genre, so like I did last time I will go through each character again in no particular order:
Hajime - Better than Makoto (protagonist from the last game) but that isn't a very high bar.
Nagito - I'll give him this he is a very interesting character but for all the right and wrong reasons. The more I think about him the more my brain just fries. One negative for sure though is that he can be extremely repetitive. One positive to balance it out is that his story involvement later on is actually one of the series' only highlights for me.
Chiaki - One of the most overrated characters I've seen. Other than her bland anime copy paste anime gamer girl personality and "cutesy" appearance, fans of her haven't managed to give me a decent enough reason for me to actually be invested in her character. I feel as if the game itself expects me to like her because she's cute and caring but if she has nothing else outside of that then I legit couldn't care less.
Gundham - Amazing voice performance that I could never get tired of. Can be repetitive sometimes but otherwise one of the only characters in this game I consider good.
Teruteru - Unironically carried by the voice acting in the first trial for being hysterical, otherwise he's a generic anime pervert akin to Mineta from My Hero Academia. Stay far away.
Mahiru - I legit cannot remember anything about her.
Byakuya - Wasted potential, kinda like the rest of this game.
Peko - She's okay I guess?
Ibuki - I like her expressions and whatnot but otherwise she's decent.
Hiyoko - Annoying and a complete waste of a character.
Nekomaru - Decent until the game turned him into a contrived plot device.
Kazuichi - Bland.
Sonia - Blander.
Akane - Blandest.
Fuyuhiko - One of the only characters in the series with any substantial development and character individualism. Not amazing but at least he serves a purpose.
Mikan - One of the worst written characters in anything I have played. She only exists as an annoying fan service tool until the writers complete forget how to write in general which leads to an insulting bad representation of trauma and other things. She is the very reason I wouldn't touch this game with a ten foot barge pole. Fuck whoever wrote this dreadful excuse for a character.

Monokuma sometimes has funny interactions with Monomi but otherwise the latter I couldn't care less about. To wrap up this unintentionally longer review than I planned, the motives and ending suck ass, few of the mini games are infuriating (hangman's gambit 2.0 can die) and this game just doesn't have that same claustrophobic feeling the original game had.

A waste of potential and a waste of time.

After much berating and ranting whenever the topic of Pokemon came up, I can't justify giving this game a 4/10 because this game is more than bad. It's flat out insulting.

Nintendo, Gamefreak and The Pokemon Company charging full price (about 40 to 50 depending where you live) for something this poorly optimised is astounding. What's worse is the 3.4 average it has here; what's with all the middle and high ratings? I genuinely can't wrap my head around it. If something else released with this amount of problems it'd be blasted to kingdom come but I guess gamefreak get a pass for some reason? I'm not even trying to start an argument or fight with anyone I'm just generally bamboozled.

Is there redeeming qualities? Only a small handful. The gameplay formula still has the same appeal it always has, the legendaries themselves feel cool, Tera Typing is one of the best mechanics they've added and the story is one of the better ones in recent memory (the gym plot sucks though). I get why people would see the redeeming qualities moreso than I but I'm still baffled by anyone defending it or being oblivious to the glaring problems.

Even if the game became well optimised, you're left with quite possibly the most bland reigon to date. Despite being inspired by Spain, hardly anything about Paldea screams unique or soul, there is legit nothing about it except grassfields, dirt paths, the occasional beach, boring deserts and the token snow area. To better get my point across I reccomend just looking at Paldea's Map before comparing it to any other reigons map:

You'll be hard pressed to find anything actually interesting. Comparing it to Galar, even the high definition map of Paldea looks void of any distinct expression or clear cultural inspiration, whereas with Galar you can still get the sense it is inspired by British architecture with the countrysides, the chavy and rich prick towns / cities, etc. Speaking of, the towns in Paldea are incredibly forgettable with only one lame gimmick in a sad attempt to make them stand out among the barren wasteland you'll be whooshing about in (this town has a 2fps windmill and... uhhhh... this famous headgemaze!).

This game features awful quality of life features. Pokemon battles take forever as they feel the need to slowly play out the text on screen for every single stat change or status effect. Furthermore, the map feels very sluggish and janky which is awful if you're going to be using it more often than not. And finally, the Pokemon take forever to load as well when trying to view them. As you can see, these minor inconveniences build up to make the game even more frustratingly slow to play.

I could go on forever but the last thing I'll mention is the lack of features from previous games. I remember someone telling me that people complaining about their "favourite feature" not returning is incredibly petty which is untrue. A lot of the features that were added in previous games (i.e. difficulty slider) that improved on what people were wanting got shafted for no apparent reason. Basic options like being able to turn off the EXP share or cancelling move animations are just gone for no reason at all. I can't understand the defence of this decision.

I was going to mention the gym tests or the Team Star raids but what's the point? Pokemon desperately needs to stop with this 1 to 2 year development cycle because it clearly isn't working, however that's likley never going to happen because of the millions of people who still purchase this garbage. I'm thankful I'm a Mystery Dungeon fan more than the main series because my disappointment would be immeasurable if I was (reference not intended).
Small Edit: I got told that the final in this game is worth it that it ups the score of the game by a whole star to which I say it doesn't matter. If the last part of the game is the only good part, I'm not going to trudge through shite just to get to it. I'm better off playing a game that's more fun.

The gameplay is fun, I guess? Maybe? It's always hysterical when the pigs go flying towards the screen.
However there is something about this game that feels dirty. Aka, I can smell the stench of modern corporate mobile gaming from a mile away.

The game gets bonus points tho because this song actually SLAPS:
Also where did my boy Colonel Pig go?

I took one look at this and just felt completely empty as if I was tossed into a void of nothingness. The artstyle and UI/HUD look so bland and lifeless like a typical mobile game, even PVZ2 atleast had great 2D animations that outdid the original massively.

And instead of having levels we have this grindy level up system? Wtf is this shit. Fuck you EA.

(Review originally from Google Reviews)
Whoever gives this game a 5 stars or say it's "underrated", please tell me why. While not the worst, this is my least favorite sonic game for how much it pissed me off with the wasted potential it has. At least with Boom and 06, they went from probably average games to garbage due to some kind of studio interference (Sega rushing it out and BRB being forced to change development from next gen to Wii U).

The only qualities this game has going for it is the tolerable graphics, pretty fun customization system and some of the music. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME AT FULL PRICE! As much as I'd advise against it, if you're truly interested buy this game below half price or something like that. This game can be embarrassingly beat in 2-4 hours. Generations, Colours, Mania were around 5 hours long depending on how fast you do the levels but at least in those games you had interesting side content to make it more repayable. What does Forces have? Episode Shadow is garbage, the red rings are piss easy to find due to the levels having no depth and you can get an S on every level with your eyes closed, but in the end what is the point? If you say this game "isn't that bad", what's the point in playing it when I can get more enjoyment with something like Generations?

I really wish google reviews didn't have a word limit because I can go on and on about how this game is the embodiment of disappointing, so instead I will do quick bullet points:
- Could have been the game that got sonic back in the spotlight after how well Mania did (Mania also cleverly tied into the game).
- Story is utter garbage. The game fails at immersion for how it constantly jumps around with the who, what, when, where and why.
- Despite other Sonic game stories being mediocre, at least you felt like you were progressing somewhere. Here, one moment you're in green hill, the next you're in Eggman's evil lair during a different time. It's so confusing. (Recommended Video: )
- Characters that are butchered including Tails, who just cowers in fear for no reason (I thank the writers of IDW sonic for fixing these characters) when Chaos comes in. Eggman has the IQ of a 2 year old (I will send you to null space despite the fact the power of friendship can bust you out!!).
- Cringe inducing dialogue (Green Hill looking more like Sand Hill!).
- Speaking of Chaos, fake hype built up about major villains returning when the likes of Chaos only appearing in one scene which is classic sonic walloping him. Shadow get's his ass kicked by himself. Metal Sonic is a copy paste boss fight of a infinite boss. End of Zavok fight the game finishes him off for you lmfao.
- Classic Sonic should have never been in the game. He controls like shit.
- The Modern Sonic and Avatar stages could be fun if the level design wasn't so laughably short and basic. My little brother can design Little Big Planet stages better than this.
- Infuriating amount of QTEs throughout the game.
- Final boss is a THIRD rehash of Colour's final boss.
- One of Classic Sonic's stages has a side scrolling section. A side scrolling section in a Sonic game; let that sink in.

Overall, whoever says this game is underrated or is good are rather drunk or they work for Sega. This game isn't really as good as a lot of people on here are saying; I'd rather have a game so bad it's good than a game that's disappointing to the core.
Closing Remark: Sonic Forces? More like Sonic Forces You To Press Square.

What's that? You want to play Drawn to Life? You found this collection for a cheap price? Good on you, now DON'T BUY IT!

I'm still giving it 1 star because it's, well, Drawn to Life but this review is to illustrate my frustration on a specific change made to this collection and not the games themselves. I should have separate reviews on those games.

Without spoiling anything, they changed the ending of the second game because apparently the ending of the second game is too dark. But this new ending makes LITERALLY EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THE ENTIRE SERIES FEEL WEIGHTLESS. Once you finish the games, look up "Drawn to Life 2 Alternative Ending" and you'll see what I am talking about. Quite possibly one of the worst ending changes I have ever seen to any media.

Remember when Rovio fucked over Angry Birds Stella twice by slapping that name onto this generic bubble pop game, then deciding to remove the Stella name entirely?

I will never forgive this soulless garbage for adding cement over Stella's already deepened grave. Just what were you smoking Rovio?

Are enemies in this made of stone? Why tf does none of them flinch?
Maybe this kind of rail shooter isn't for me but jfc this game is pretty much impossible solo unless you're the fastest draw in the west.

This was the mega OG and was a solid 7/10 until they decided to ruin it with an update that tries to get you to spend more money on sweet sweet micro transactions.

Hopefully when they bring this back to the app store, they will remove that stupid update that made it ten times worse.
If reviewing this before said update, it's Angry Birds what more do you expect? It was a prime example, when it came out, to what mobile games should be: simple, fun experiences instead of micro transaction traps.

The game is miles better (no pun intended) than the original. At least they introduced new bosses and areas.

Still whatever though.

This review contains spoilers

Case 1:
The reason this case is one of my favourites in the series is because it introduces you into Ace Attorney's main fun aspect in a decent amount of time. If I ever want to show people I think may like this sort of game, I can let them complete the first case within a short amount of time (30 to 40 mins) and they get a lot within that time span. What I consider to be the main fun aspect of Ace Attorney is the great deal of satisfaction you get after proving someone's bullshit wrong which leads to them sweating or panicking.

Case 2:
Things immediately get interesting when your mentor dies. While a few may see this coming, I didn't expect it to be done the way it did, and it ended up proving to be a great narrative choice for the series. Not truly amazing but still a very fun case.

Case 3:
Can be considered a filler case but still has important character moments. I very much liked how this one unraveled. My only problem is that one of the characters here is cringe and not funny.

Case 4:
Now we're getting to some good shit. I actually thought Edgeworth did it when I first saw the intro, it does a great job at grabbing your attention immediately with the bombshell it just drops. Even though the killer is obvious, it doesn't make such a big deal out of it. This case mostly shines through Edgeworth and Phoenix because not only is it the first proper time we learn more about their characters, the development they go through, as well as Maya, are top notch. Not to mention we get the meme lord known as Von Karma ("The PERFECT Crime!!! The PERFECT Trial!!!). Not the best final case but definitely a really solid one.

This is the most consistent entry in the original trilogy in my opinion because all the cases here feel interconnected (even the third case to some extent) and it feels like a complete story. There isn't a single case here I'd consider bad.
The music is also really iconic and a massive bop.
(I am not counting Rise from the Ashes in this one)

It's iconic classic that's for sure but I feel like it's aged a bit poorly compared to it's squeals. Revisiting the first Sonic is hard with the absence of the spin dash. Not to mention the second, third and especially fourth and sixth stages are tedious to get through for me at least.

Campaign has some good moments and wholesome character interactions but the story feels like your really generic here is America winning the war again story. Why not do something interesting like showing the Russians like WAW did? Maybe get a focus on Germany, Japan or even the United Kingdom. Oh wait it's Activision so screw trying anything new.

Multiplayer is loot box galore. It lacks any diversity in the guns and the maps are just really bad. I recommend seeing this review done by The Act Man as he explains amazingly why the multiplayer, the map design in particular, sucks in comparison to previous games in the series:

Nazi Zombies is SO BAD! The Act Man's feeling on the zombies mode are pretty much on parr with my feelings with it being too convoluted with all these mechanics, sets and even more loot boxes. I miss the days where I could simply just boot up a game of zombies and have a simple fun time in this arcade game mode.

Like I say with Call of Duty Ghosts, fuck this game.

What can I say that already has been said?
Campain is meh, the multiplayer maps are too large for their own good and Extinction is just... Well for starters you only get an essentially tiny map which feels like a demo in comparison to the larger, story focused DLC maps so that's poggers.

Fuck this game and the Call of Duty games that follow it.