This review was written before the game released

(DISCLAMER: This review is more of a "get this of my chest" vent than a review, so if any biases are shown here I apologise in advance)
Now that the PVE has been scrapped, I don't know how anyone can still support this garbage excuse of a company.

This "sequal" is just a live service revamp of a game I already had a few issues with. Everytime lootboxes gets mentioned I cringe in my skin but atleast it was exclusive to cosmetics; how do you like the sound of grinding for ages or paying 20 bucks for a cosmetic? Like seriously fuck off.

When it comes to the original Overwatch, I took issue with the fact they didn't lean more into a story campaign because I feel like that would have separated it from the likes of TF2, especially since the world and characters interested me a ton.
Did they do that though? Hell no, let's have it be only multiplayer with barley any unique modes / single player options and have it be basically payload and control points.

I confess I have a TF2 bias but I have a lot of problems with that game too. The main point I'm trying to make is that the original game didn't do much to distinct itself from what came before and I feel they could have easily fixed that.

BUT HOLY SHIT I forgive the original after this piece of shit came out. I'm not even joking this "next installment" subtracted more than added, and now the ONLY justification for this being classed as a sequal is now GONE! Even then, they couldn't make anything but a Mann vs Machine rip off but I forgave it because the world involves robots in the story and it's atleast something I could be semi interested in.

Screw this lost cause of a company and screw whoever defends their shitty actions.

Campaign has some good moments and wholesome character interactions but the story feels like your really generic here is America winning the war again story. Why not do something interesting like showing the Russians like WAW did? Maybe get a focus on Germany, Japan or even the United Kingdom. Oh wait it's Activision so screw trying anything new.

Multiplayer is loot box galore. It lacks any diversity in the guns and the maps are just really bad. I recommend seeing this review done by The Act Man as he explains amazingly why the multiplayer, the map design in particular, sucks in comparison to previous games in the series:

Nazi Zombies is SO BAD! The Act Man's feeling on the zombies mode are pretty much on parr with my feelings with it being too convoluted with all these mechanics, sets and even more loot boxes. I miss the days where I could simply just boot up a game of zombies and have a simple fun time in this arcade game mode.

Like I say with Call of Duty Ghosts, fuck this game.

What can I say that already has been said?
Campain is meh, the multiplayer maps are too large for their own good and Extinction is just... Well for starters you only get an essentially tiny map which feels like a demo in comparison to the larger, story focused DLC maps so that's poggers.

Fuck this game and the Call of Duty games that follow it.

Remember when Rovio fucked over Angry Birds Stella twice by slapping that name onto this generic bubble pop game, then deciding to remove the Stella name entirely?

I will never forgive this soulless garbage for adding cement over Stella's already deepened grave. Just what were you smoking Rovio?

Campaign is confusing, convoluted, uninteresting and isn't really connected to the previous Black Ops lore at all.

Multiplayer has uninspired map design for a game focused on more player mobility like your jumpack. The fact not all guns are free from the beginning and you have to use COD points to unlock more just reminded me why I stopped playing Call of Duty ages ago, thank fuck I dropped this series after Ghosts.

The new zombies maps are very convoluted and with Shadows of Evil being the only free map, it's pretty silly how I have to keep replying the same shit in order to understand what I have to do. I like what they're trying to do by giving us more stuff to do in the map but I like previous zombies maps because they understood that sometimes less is more.
I only bought this game for Zombie Chronicles anyway so the rest of this game is utterly meaningless to me.

I am bald thanks to this game for how much hair I pulled out due to some really infuriating and unfair level design.

It's Sonic 1 but on the Game Boy Advanced!

Are enemies in this made of stone? Why tf does none of them flinch?
Maybe this kind of rail shooter isn't for me but jfc this game is pretty much impossible solo unless you're the fastest draw in the west.

The game is miles better (no pun intended) than the original. At least they introduced new bosses and areas.

Still whatever though.

This game fails to do anything new with Sonic and instead rehashes old zones and bosses. For a game titled Sonic 4, it feels like a shitty redo of the first and second game.

This was the mega OG and was a solid 7/10 until they decided to ruin it with an update that tries to get you to spend more money on sweet sweet micro transactions.

Hopefully when they bring this back to the app store, they will remove that stupid update that made it ten times worse.
If reviewing this before said update, it's Angry Birds what more do you expect? It was a prime example, when it came out, to what mobile games should be: simple, fun experiences instead of micro transaction traps.

This review contains spoilers

This is definitely the worst Time Crisis I've played.

The gameplay gimmick is really nice and some of the stages use it to good effect but unlike the non stop action that I love in Time Crisis 1, 2 and Razing Storm, I felt like I spend more time waiting and watching (skipping) cut scenes than actually shooting which made me feel really disconnected.

The story is so unbelievably shit. Time Crisis is obvs not here for the story but it's enough to make you feel like you're pushing towards something. The story here is so underwhelming it actually puts me off. Robert being a traitor was a potentially interesting idea since TC villains are pretty much typical terrorists but they do nothing with it here; I get the feeling they wanted him portray him as some deep villain despite being as cartoony as Dick Dastardly.
Also why does the cut scenes in the final make Robert out to be so drunk? (The way he says "Hmph, you still weren't able to stop the missile!!!" and the red guy responds "Dangit!") Speaking of cut scenes, the only cool encounters is the one with Keith and Wild Fang. Everything else feels like a puppet show on a budget. Story beats come out of nowhere such as the drug plot line which at that point felt very lame.

I still ironically enjoy this game though. Keith's fight is hysterical and Robert's voice acting in the final is so stupid it's funny.

I was trying to think of a unique joke to avoid saying what everyone else has been saying but what is the point?

Should have been bundled with the Switch for free.

Evil EA be like: we will not make the difficulty so high to the point where buying micro transactions is totally necessary.

The music and vibe? Stellar. The gameplay? Yeah no.

Also why do stories like this always need to be so fast paced? I know how painfully boring an opening to a game can be if it's slow paced but when something goes too fast then it takes me out of immersion because shit goes from 1 to 100 immediately. Like I go from a school girl to suddenly needing to save the world?