I really really enjoyed this game. The minor evolution to it's combat with your ability to enter in and out of stealth in engagements was super fun, along with minor changes to it's shooting and that smooth as butter grappling hook. This game is a treat to play. On the story side, if you played up until this point than most likely you greatly enjoy and are invested in Nathan Drake and the Gang and this is an excellent send off to them. this is the best uncharted game to me, easily. From it's combat, to it's story, to it's set pieces, dialogue, graphics. It's simply the best that the series did.

This game is very fun. Insomniac makes games that are fun as hell to move around in and this is no exception. The gameplay really didn't get old for me. That being said I found that to be this games only draw. It's a horrifically unfunny game, it tells a joke about every ten seconds and for the hours I played it I did not laugh once. The characters are uninteresting, the visuals are fine, the world design is pretty good. But this title lives and dies by how much you like playing it. I liked it enough to see credits once.

I don't have too much to say about this game other than It's pretty fun, it's got some interesting world design, and decent story and it coalesces into something I would call a good game. It's not anything mind blowing but it demands little time.

For some odd reason I feel like this game was really hard. Maybe I missed a tutorial somewhere with a key gameplay mechanic in it or something because for some odd reason I died twice as much in this than I did in every other title. That said, It's more Uncharted. Truly that's the most I can say about it. If you like Uncharted 1 and 2 this is more of that and it's good.

I was blown away by this game. It's application of QTE's and reactionary button presses to the it's turn based combat was a huge draw for me, it was so fun the entire time. The game is also deeply charming, full of fun area's, fun characters, and a fun story. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing about Superstar Saga that's bad in anyway, it's a 5/5 easy. I'll dock half a star from this specific version of it though for Bowser's Minions which isn't bad but It's not needed, and frankly isn't enough fun to justify its inclusion in my opinion.

I have a lot of nostalgia for this game. I played it to death when I was a child. As an adult it holds up mostly. It does fall apart a lot in it's second half with an abysmal level and another that is an absolute slog. But to be honest I just like Halo, It's a game I find hard to not enjoy. I love it's universe, it's aesthetics, it's music, I even love it's old clunky Xbox visuals.

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Far Cry 3 suffers the problem ever far cry does. It's very fun but expects way too much from you with tons of completely friviouls objectives and it isn't fun enough to carry it's own weight through its incredibly bloated plot that should've ended when Voss died.

A truly abysmal title. It gets half a star for being a playable piece of software and that's it. What a bastard of a video game this is, terrible from top to bottom. Form the arcade-ification of it's gameplay to the outlast-esq edgy horror porn of it all, truly one of the worst games I've ever played.

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I enjoyed this game well enough but I think it has some pretty deep issues. Mainly, it's perverse. Turning Alma into some sexed up older version of herself was not the move, it's immature at best, disgusting at worst, and the ending was even worse. It's still a pretty fun 1st Person Shooter, but as the years have gone by I feel myself growing more sour on this game.

This game maintains a very unnerving atmosphere but I wouldn't have described it as scary... UNTIL the offices stage which scared me into being frozen. Until that point though you're playing a creepy but very engaging first person shooter. The bullet time ability is very fun. Engagements are fast, loud, and incredibly engaging. It's story is pretty interesting to boot. The worst part is definitely that it hasn't aged beautifully over time. It's suffered for it's years, and for the most part that's okay. But it is there.

I really enjoyed this games aesthetic, It's "Vibes". Remedy is making games that give you experiences you don't get anywhere else. It's not the best 3rd person shooter by a country mile but honestly I found it pretty excusable since I was more engrossed by the narrative mostly.

Didn't enjoy the gameplay as much as It's predecessor but it's story and especially It's cutscenes are so good and an improvement over the first games which is saying a lot cause I already thought the first game had great cutscenes. B.J. Blaskowitz remains a rad character, a cool mix of old shooter protagonist given actual pathos and history and It's interesting.

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I really enjoyed the truly post apocalyptic take on the world this game presented. It's setting is very unique and fun. I also very much enjoyed the gameplay. I felt like I had to use all my tools to the best of my disposal as the game went on and they were all fun to use. I greatly anticipated fighting the largest creatures, I wanted to pit myself against this games biggest challenges which says a lot about how fun it is.

Truly one of the most annoying casts I've ever experienced in a video game and it makes every moment they're on screen feel like a slog. Personally I found the region pretty boring as well, and it also contains my least favorite starter line up of any Pokemon title. That said it's not all bad. I greatly enjoyed the protagonists and the different fashion choices for them, I enjoyed almost all of the Galar regions variant Pokemon, and there were some characters I liked a lot! But all in all a pretty disappointing experience.

It's a pretty fun game. The huge draw for me was the excellent soundtrack, voice acting, the fact that personally I really enjoy vampire media, and most of all its morality system. I thought framing the two way morality system as being Human or Vampire instead of being Good or Bad was interesting and you're very punished for taking the human route which I felt was compelling.