A very solid Borderlands but doesn't even come close to its predecessors.

''Rip and Tear, until it is done.''

Doom Eternal is an adrenaline-fueled masterpiece that surpasses its predecessor in every way. From its jaw-dropping visuals to its heart-pounding soundtrack, every aspect of this game is meticulously crafted for maximum enjoyment. The combat is incredibly satisfying, intense, offering a perfect balance of strategy and chaos as you obliterate demons with an arsenal of badass weapons. The level design is ingenious, keeping you engaged and constantly on your toes as you navigate through a variety of hellish landscapes. With its exhilarating gameplay and non-stop action, Doom Eternal is an absolute must-play for any fan of the FPS genre. Prepare to unleash your inner demon slayer and experience gaming nirvana!

With this, id Software has once again shown that they not only make some of the best FPS games, but also have a flair for reinventing themselves when it comes to bringing their shooters into the modern era. Back then with Doom 2016 and now with Eternal. An evolution of the FPS genre.

Even though I never really played the first part, I would say that it's not a good game. The story is really bland and you can throw most of the characters in the garbage can, not to mention the synchro (German language). It's one of the worst I've heard. A lot of the gameplay is very clunky, especially when it comes to climbing and the limitations at the beginning with stamina... I don't know who thought that was a good idea. But otherwise I got the impression that a lot of things were artificially drawn out. Very noticeable in the cutscenes. Unfortunately it wasn't worth it, luckily there was a free weekend.

A wonderful trip, with never-ending speed.

The Gameplay loop is awesome.
The game also guides you well through new mechanics that are added as you progress, especially the ones that come at the end are really fun and you experience a real adrenaline rush. Level design is good without exception, with the exception of certain levels that allow absolutely no mistakes and are sometimes unfair in terms of timing.

Boss fights are okey and only the last ones are good.
And the story is also good, with a few nice twists.

With mods on the PC it is much more playable and also necessary, but some aspects are outdated. For example, the AI is very bad and is downright braindead, some mechanics are broken if you switch off frame limiters like swimming etc. As well as the ending and what you have to do for it, the game length is a little unnecessarily long. Otherwise, San Andreas is a classic.

As of now, a nice game from the Vampire Survivor genre with a Diablo 1 vibe. The equipment feels relevant and is also partly necessary for difficult runs (also for achievements). The only disadvantage so far is that you can only take one item from the run, although you can sometimes get several.

"Try Fingers But Hole"

Don't do it like me, who goes to the first boss underleveled , dies 50 times (rightly so) and after falling realizes how to level up.

Everything I love about the Souls games is wrapped up in a great open world where it's just fun to explore. It also helped me during a difficult time when I needed a lot of distraction.

It's a love letter to video games. There is so much to discover, companions that quickly grow on you, the quests, be it main or side quests that are well written and not boring. The battles, which you can approach in different ways, and the game in general, which demands creativity or wants you to be creative. It just doesn't get boring and in no way feels like something has been put in to artificially drag out the time. That's the definition of AAA