Expanding on the first game in regards to better gameplay and a more engaging story makes this the quintessential Assassins Creed experience.

As the first entry in the now infamous franchise, there's a lot that this game does right. Combat based around performing executions and the use of a hidden blade is entertaining.

The story of a disgraced assassin regaining his stature and becoming a selfles warrior was interesting, but falls flat as a result of the boring presentation, with most 'cutscenes' ultimately boiling down to awkward staredowns.

Overall, a fun experience more for the gameplay than the story.

Following the release of Sonic 06, the worst game ever made according to 2010s youtube reviewers, the only direction Sonic Team could go was up. And that's what they did with Sonic Unleashed.

The Boost Formula introduced in this game is an interesting take on how Sonic should control. Though in the PS2 port, it's less intuitive since Boosts are done in short bursts as opposed to continuous speed.

In addition on the PS2 port, stages are fairly large, but as a result feel too empty, similar to the areas in Kingdom Hearts 2.

Now, the Werehog. The God of War comparison is clear, down to the QuickTime-based finishers and blatant ripoff of the Blades of Chaos that are Sonic's stretchy limbs. It's not bad, but compared to God of War, where that gameplay was the primary focus, the Werehog sections feel undeveloped.

Overall, this is a significant improvement to the Sonic formula even if an attempt to capture a popular game system brought it down a few notches

Do you like a game that controls as if you're constantly sliding across a frictionless surface?

If so, you'll love this game

As Sonic's first major outing in the third dimension (With exception to Sonic Jam's 3D Hub World and Sonic R), there's a lot that this game does right. At the same time, the dated presentation (Specifically in regard to animations) and lackluster gameplay of Amy, Big and Gamma keep this from truly being a great game.

Despite that, Sonic's excellent gameplay portions as well as the music and Level Design make this a game that I play at least once every year.