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Syphax retired Titanfall
A true masterpiece that just came out a few years too early. The state of Xbox one was miserable and one of its exclusive brothers (Killer Instinct) ironically used the model this game should have also used, F2P with seasons. In 2014 you can not launch a multiplayer only game with no skins or reason to grind away for 60 dollars. If this game came out during Covid, it is a smash hit. Apex Legends is proof of that.

LOVE the pvp campaign. Will probably never see it again but the idea of weaving in the story and having real players as the enemy faction was and IS genius. And the mix of call of duty gameplay with jetpacks and Titans as I wish this game lasted forever

10 days ago

Syphax completed Inside
I think so positively of creators who can somehow improve upon their previous hit release and make it better. Somehow, Inside is better than Limbo.

The 2014 E3 Trailer is maybe one of the 5 best trailers ever made

10 days ago

Syphax completed Limbo
Ah, the summer of arcade. Playdead studios. A graphically horrific story of a boy looking for his sister.


10 days ago

Syphax completed The Last of Us Part II
Still the most puzzling form of art I've ever come across in terms of how I feel about it. One of the best game engines I've ever seen in terms of animations within moving around the environment. Stellar graphics. Top notch gameplay. BAFFLING decision making from characters and well, writers. And then 10 hours in they just....WHAT IS THIS GAME

10 days ago

Syphax completed The Last of Us
I can't believe this game came out over 10 years ago. Everyone and well rightfully so, goes straight to the story and characters of the Last of Us but I remember having a blast just killing other asshole survivors and zombies. Not much more to be said about this game that no one else has said already.

10 days ago

Syphax completed Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
I've put two separate 60 hour weeks 5 years apart into this game. And by the end of both weeks, I was left thinking a game will not ever have a better gameplay system.

I am no FromSoft fanboy as I cannot stand games where dodging is the preferred method of avoiding damage, much prefer deflecting or parrying. Because of Sekiro I have gotten into other parry focused games like Fallen Order, Sifu and Stellar Blade but they still don't hold a candle in terms of a simple 1 vs 1 fight between two samurai with swords.

Like Celeste, the game does a near perfect job of teaching you how to play without making it too frustrating. And learning how to play this instrument is one of the best decisions I've made. (aside from spending 2020 new years in my room for 16 hrs straight including 8 of which I died to Ishiin)

10 days ago

Syphax completed Marvel's Spider-Man 2
A very ambitious sequel that also comes across as playing it safe? I very much enjoyed my playthrough, but the lack of DLC nearly a year later has left me disappointed. The side missions and endings were some of my favorite parts, need conclusions!

10 days ago

Syphax completed Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Very satisfying gameplay and combat changes added too a fun 12 hour ish experience. Main villain's power level and motives could use some work

10 days ago

Syphax completed Marvel's Spider-Man
But you really DO feel like Spider-Man...

10 days ago

Syphax completed Celeste
On the shortest of short lists for greatest games of all time. Story, Art Direction, Gameplay, Sound Design and Music are all perfect.

My only complaint is the additional content may be a little too hard, but that's okay.

10 days ago

12 days ago

Syphax completed Gears of War 2
It just dawned on me that this is one of the very first highly anticipated blockbuster sequels that just simply did not function. The first game was such a hit and they "threw in" in the pvp in the "last minute". So with resources and time investment you would think they would hit out of the park on the next one? No, and I'm not even sure if they made it to the batters box in fact.

A complete abomination of an experience from top to bottom, I have no positive memories of the co op campaign, horde mode, or multiplayer.

Oh and I just remember I got red rings going for all of the achievements after leaving my 360 on boosting wingman matches vs the cpu.

12 days ago

Syphax completed Injustice: Gods Among Us
Very hard to take a game seriously when the inciting incident is the Flash wasn't fast enough to prevent something from happening.

Horrid gameplay to watch during FGC tournaments as well.

12 days ago

Syphax retired Destiny
Ah Destiny. The game that was supposed to be fun for a weeks before the Master Chief Collection released. I'm surprised I played as long as I did. A complete and utter mess balance wise at all times. Nothing felt fair. Blink, shotguns, sniper rifles that could randomly (literally) 1 tap you and even through walls, fusion rifles, horrid netcode that caused the stupidest kill trades, abysmal mini map and just so much more I don't even want to remember. And that's all just the PvP.

Peter Dinklage was so bad they fired him and had to completely re-record all of his voice over work.

I don't think I ever did a raid with all 6 people in the same voice chat. And I did them 3+ times a week for just over a year.

12 days ago

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