100 Reviews liked by TAG1138

Its trash.
> The AI is obviously cheating
> The controls are garbage
> The balancing feels awful (tbf it was the first game so its ok im just a hater)

Aside from that, i really like the art style, the minimap on the bottom feels a bit too big but its ok

Decided to play this after the PS1 Spider Man game. Ended up emulating it on the PC and it ran pretty great, minus a few missing textures and some occasional screen tears. However it ran at full 60fps the whole time which is what matters.

The greatest thing about this game is the web slinging. They just did such a great job with it. Its not too complicated but its also not super simple. You really feel like you are spider man zipping around, and damn you feel cool.

Beyond the web slinging all the levels/bosses are pretty run of the mill chase/fight objectives. The story itself is a fine retelling of the comic, with some nice splashy comic book effects for scene transitions and action. I was a little surprised at the length. I beat it in just 8ish hours (so two nights of playing). As a child I remember playing this game forever. Of course I was trying to complete every race/fight and collect all the secrets which would likely add at least 3 hours to the experience.

Overall this is a nostalgia banger for me. Just love the art, playing as venom or spiderman, and good god did they nail the web slinging!

ngl i didn't really learn who james turrell really was but maybe that's just me being bad at the game

holy shit. I had heard the rumors about this game. How it is one of the worst ports of all time, absolutely butchering the original game by plaguing it with slowdown so bad, it makes sonic labyrinth seem like an unleashed daytime stage. In a way, I kinda prepared myself mentally for what I was about to play well in advance, and having been someone who can easily clear sonic 1 on mega drive with all the chaos emeralds without even breaking a sweat or using a continue, I thought this was going to be an easy clear of sonic 1 as I go through the ropes as I do, just slower thanks to the slowdown. I was so, so wrong to underestimate sonic genesis there. The slowdown is there. It is exactly as bad as everyone says. going in any area where more than like 2 sprites are on screen will slow things down by what feels like half speed, and levels like labyrinth zone or scrap brain become bigger tests of patience than they already were. What I wasn't prepared for was how they very slightly but visibly changed how sonic controls. His jump is higher than usual, allowing you to do various skips that you definitely shouldn't be able to. Sonic also has more advance-style movement where he starts slow and then builds up to a sprint, which is bad when the level design doesn't compensate for that whatsoever which makes slow precise platforming so much significantly harder as sonic just doesn't reach the platforms he so very clearly easily should be reaching with his jumps. The screen crunch is also horrible here as now enemies can easily blindside you from offscreen. All this leads to a sonic 1 experience where I was much more cautious and afraid than I have been playing sonic in years. In a sense, it felt like I was a kid again, playing through sonic 1 without the comfort of familiarity assisting me through the levels. In that sense, this was actually a very interesting and different play. The only way you could ever see me even consider reccomending this game is if you have already played sonic 1 to death and want a fresh new way to experience the game, for better or worse. Otherwise please play literally ANY other release of this game out of the many many dozens that exist.

fm synth midis 😍😍🥰

its mfin sonic 3 & knuckles. Combining Sonic 3 with sonic & knuckles to make the full intended experience gives you an absolute banger of a video game. Compared to the previous 2D sonics, this game blows them out of the water in terms of content, variety, and polish. The soundtrack is amazing. The zones are (for the most part) incredible. There are 3 different characters to play the game as. There are two sets of chaos emeralds to collect. The game has a save system. Sure, some of those things might seem pretty meh for todays standards but for a mega drive game this is one of the best you can get. This game is absolutely something you have to play.

I didn't think this game was THAT bad. While the level design does drop off near the end and the physics do suck, there's still some fun to be had in some of the earlier levels. Calling this game Sonic 4 makes its flaws stand out more since such an unambitious and minimalistic game doesn't really seem like a worthy followup to S3&K.

I can understand hating this game back when it came out, since it really feels like several steps backward and an overcorrection after the disaster of 06. But after all this time, knowing that the series wouldn't continue down this path, it's hard to muster up a strong reaction to this one. It's just mediocre.

This is a game that I really had collect my thoughts on and sit on it for a while. There are a lot of problems with this game. The Cyberspace levels were mostly bad, it has tons of jank that leads to frustration, and the last few islands were clearly rushed. But the stuff that I enjoyed was able to keep me engaged despite all these shortcomings.

Once I go into the groove of things I found exploring all of the islands really fun. The base gameplay is still fun even if it can be janky. The writing, courtesy of Ian Flynn, is really good and this is the best that Sonic and the gang have been characterized in years. The character interactions are really well done and it does a good job keeping continuity with the rest of the series. The music is great, especially in boss fights. The boss fights are awesome spectacles even if they're mechanically pretty shallow. And the fishing minigame with Big is relaxing and pretty useful for farming items that I needed when I got tired of playing the Cyberspace levels or hunting for Memory Tokens.

This game is far from perfect but it still made me happy and it is a promising direction for the series. Just please let the next game cook for a bit longer Sonic Team. Also please keep Ian Flynn as the writer.

Near perfect sequel to DKC. Music is fantastic, the level themes of pirate ships and spooky forests are fun, and the secret world is lots of fun!

Just play this one.
Definitely one of the best games that i have played in this life.
If Sons of Liberty was already good, this one improved in every single thing that it could.
The story is just sublime, as well as every other thing in the game.

Simply amazing. Unfortunately, i have a prejudice against old 3D games, so i jumped into MGS1 expecting literally nothing. Thank God that i did this. The game is simply too good to be true considering it's THAT old. It's like playing a movie. The story and voice acting are PERFECT, and after certain time, i didn't even bother with the old graphics anymore. Play this one, please.
If i call myself a gamer, i gotta know the classics of my own area, right?

Bro I went into this game expecting something okay and was so engrossed by everything that I played the whole game through in one 12-hour sitting, and I pretty much NEVER do that with games. The gameplay and plot go hand in hand with one another to keep me at the edge of my seat. Add the fun fourth-wall breaking moments like looking at the game box or switching the playstation controller and you have something that is incredibly immersive and something that's just plain special. Absolutely something worth playing, even if you aren't even a big fan of video games.

"Huey Lewis, may you PLEASE stop brainwashing my kids with your bit crushed tune from my crappy NES game!" will be the title to my autobiography someday.

Where did all these bee's come from, Back to the Future Part 0: Marty versus the Bee's? I don't think so.

"Find something to believe in, and find it for yourself. When you do, pass it on to the future."

This isn't a game, it's art.
Kojima and his team have used the opportunity of a game to create something that cannot be recaptured.

This unique piece of media has touched me more than once and I will always remember the importance of freedom.
In the grand scheme of things, it's not enough to live life to the fullest, you have to find yourself and pass the torch to the next generation.

I have never been so moved while playing a video game.
And the fact that I arrived so late to witness the legacy of the game which is worth it, when I see that this game was a prelude to what my life has been up to now.