A pretty drastic improvement over SML1. The music bops more, the control feels smoother, the spritework is more appealing & the world feels a little larger & more imaginative. In no other Mario game do you explore the inside of a whale or ride in a hippo's snot bubble up to the moon. In a way, this speaks to SML’s uniqueness as a series & it’s a bit of a shame Nintendo hasn’t revisited it in so long. A delightfully different handheld classic.

GBG is obviously not as robust or feature-filled as most of the game development tools folks use nowadays. But for what it’s worth, I had fun with it. Using Nodons is a cute, effective “Nintendo” way of teaching programming basics, especially for complete coding scrubs like myself. I was able to get some things working, complete with gameplay, goals & custom artwork. It’s a good time, but would've stayed relevant much longer if it had game-sharing work similarly to Mario Maker.

Sonic Heroes is a fun enough game, but not one I feel like I'll be bothered to complete anytime soon. A couple run-throughs with Team Sonic or Team Rose & I'm good. (Team Chaotix mission-based structure brings the pace to a screeching halt, but could be worse, I suppose.) Controls are a little slippery compared to other 3D Sonics, but if you want fast-paced gameplay with a simplified plot so you can just focus more on running, jumping & flying on through, I can recommend it.

The original Rayman is a satisfying platformer filled with whimsy & fun levels to explore. It's got a lovely cartoony aesthetic, good control, excellent music & tough but fair challenge. (Eh, for the most part. I feel like requiring all cages for the final world was a bit much.) Crash Bandicoot & Spyro had great 3D platforming on PS1, but for the pure 2D platform fans, OG Rayman definitely has your back.

The N64 is a great place to go for a classic 3D platformer, isn't it? Rayman 2 delivers in that aspect very well. Imaginative worlds, fun ideas, memorable soundtrack & gameplay that keeps you engaged from beginning to end. Childhood me had some trouble here & there with some of the challenges, but finally getting to the next level after many attempts was exhilarating & always worthwhile. A late 90s gem for sure.

I didn't know how much better it could've gotten than finally being able to make my own official Mario levels in SMM1 ---- and then they drop this game. A new game style, new editor elements, new story mode, an entire mode dedicated to making your own world-by-world games ---- SMM2 is everything the OG was & more. This probably sounds lame, but the first Mario Maker was a dream come true for me, and this game is even better.

Brings me right back to the good ol' days of the GBA link cables & retro-style local multiplayer. Despite the game having only maybe 4-5 levels to explore, I have some good memories of my cousin & I playing this ad nauseum for hours on end. Overall it's just a really fun idea. Take the top-down exploration Zelda formula, allow players to roam around, grab their own items & cooperate to solve puzzles & defeat bosses. It works very well.

I don't have as many memories with this one as I do Origins, but that's not a slam on this game by any stretch. Legends is every bit as polished & well-executed as Rayman's previous outing, if not more so. The ridiculously fun music-themed levels are worth the price of admission by themselves. Another vibrant, cartoony, high-octane & creative entry in the Rayman canon. Bonus points for the Mario Bros. costumes in the Wii U version.

The original Animal Crossing still holds up well today. In some ways, it has more personality & unpredictable moments compared to more modern AC titles. Remember when villagers could get snippy with you for no reason? Or just pack up & leave without so much as a 2nd thought? Some wild times. The OG Animal Crossing is pretty much timeless & laid the groundwork nicely for the franchise's future.

I'll probably get some flack for this, but pretty much any Zelda game is better than the first one, at least from my perspective. I get it was supposed to evoke the feeling of getting lost exploring a vast world, but literally getting lost isn't my idea of fun or engaging gameplay. Every time I attempt this without a guide, I run around aimlessly & get beat up by Octorocks. I'm beyond glad that this game laid the groundwork for an awesome franchise to bloom from... but eh, the original LOZ just isn't a whole lot of fun for me.

One of the many Humongous Entertainment classics. The PJ Sam games are all about a superhero-loving kid using his imagination to turn something as mundane as a bedroom closet or a food pantry into a wild & detailed landscape to explore & this game delivers well in that regard. Decent puzzles, fun characters, cool environments ---- it's well done.

This game never stops being just dang fun to play. Running, jumping, hovering, eating, throwing ---- it all clicks so well & makes for a good time. I love that it's a game that doesn't pull punches either. It may look like a cutesy, friendly game, but even just getting through some of the levels, let alone 100%-ing them with any degree of finesse, can be quite the tricky but satisfying endeavor.

The only Raving Rabbids game I played before they forced Rayman to take the backseat for a while. It's an honestly not-too-bad compilation of motion control minigames. This kind of thing was all over the place back then, helping showcase the Wii's capabilities, so it makes sense. The on-rails plunger-shooter segments are a highlight. Mildly entertaining overall & reminds me of fond memories of my first year or so with the Wii.

When Rayman finally came back to the spotlight after the Rabbids took over, hot damn, did he come back in style. Origins is fast-paced, well-crafted, slightly silly 2D platform action at its finest. I have some particularly fun memories of playing this co-op with my sister. Good times. Recommended to anyone who needs another silky-smooth entertaining platformer to sink their teeth into.

I thought this was pretty fun. I can see why Sonic fans may not see this game as favorably as they do other Sonic titles because, contrary to what he's known for, this really isn't a game where you wanna go particularly fast. It's more about being methodical & searching for the Flickies. And I welcome this changeup of the formula. It's tricky in some spots & it can be easy to get turned around while navigating, but overall, I enjoyed my time with this one.