Elden ring is a game with the highest peaks i've seen a game reach and some of the most disappointing lows.
The balancing and aggression of enemies and bosses in the second half of the game are bullshit, and the level design for the last couple of areas are all over the place, but god DAMN this game is good other than that.
The first couple of areas are some of the best i've ever experienced in any game, and it just gets better from there.

I love DS3.
Unfortunately, DS3 happens to be a game that i get more frustrated with the more i think about it.
Compared to DS1 and especially DS2, it feels like a game that doesn't really try to do anything, moreso being contempt with just being a trip down memory lane with the best things about the franchise. Those things are absolutely GREAT but they're not exactly earth shattering.
It also feels a little too linear, and its level design isn't as complex nor interesting as the first or the second game.
Its art direction is also a little boring, compared to the rest of the franchise.
That said, i LOVE this game.
It has the best bosses in the series, it's the least clunky souls game by a landslide, it has amazing music and i love the weapon arts system.
Amazing game, but not perfect, just like any other game from the souls series. They're beautiful, but flaud games.

Good ass DLC for a good game.
Except for frigid outskirts.

I fucking love this game.
People give it way too hard of a time cause souls players bitch about everything that isn't exactly like DS1, but i think DS2 is a victim of circumstance more than anything.
Still, game's great, has its issues, which are well documented.

This is a good ass game and deserved GOTY but i feel like people are way too forgiving for some of the bullshit this game pulls.
Act 3 is ass, no nice way of putting it
Larian fundamentally doesn't understand that combat gets less frequent as you level in 5E cause characters scale way too hard and 5E is a flaud system, but for some reason Act 3 has more combat than any other part of the game, which just gets BORING since combat is piss easy once you get there. I played the game on tactician on release without using any outside source for information, and late game was still a walk in the park.
Characterization and storylines get way messier in act 3 too, which is more noticeable because you're probably getting bored of combat too. It just feels lazy compared to the AMAZING first two acts.
I will not complain about balancing, cause i genuinely think the game is more fun because of all the bullshit you can pull.
As a last complain, playing the game on day 1 was hell, a lot of buggy shit happened to me on my first playthrough, which is just being unlucky, but happened consistently enough that i can't help but say it.
In the end, BG3 is great, it definetely has its issues, but it doesn't mean the game isn't worth celebrating.
Still, i think it's way too overhyped.

this game is so fucking boring
i genuinely think the only way to be happy with it is if you played it for years and are nostalgic about it, cause i have no clue how you'd find this fun

It has issues here and there but this game means the world to me, so i feel like i would lie by rating it any less

Weakest expansion after ARR, but still great

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Amazing, but not as good as Shadowbringers, and it has a couple of parts in the MSQ that are an absolute slog to get through. 80-82 is a pain in the ass and i do not care at all for the loporrit section, but god damn it has the best final area and ending of anything ever

Easiest 5 stars i think i will ever give in my life