A true one of a kind experience unlike anything else in the genre

The Phantom Pain is all the greatness of Ground Zeroes, but with an excess of obnoxious padding. When it lets you actually play, it is a true joy to play. However, it constantly wants to interrupt that joy with long, uneventful helicopter rides, constant visits to a shallow, uninteresting base, and endlessly scrolling through menus to micromanage things that are so trivial that it should have just been automatic.

Ground Zeroes stands as a testament to the level of quality a game can achieve when it sacrifices length in favor of polish.

Just Cause 4 is a complete dumpster fire of a game. It is a level of failure so spectacular that it is shocking it was allowed to release on store shelves.

The hilarity of David Cage combined with the surprising level of talent of the team surrounding him. A real treat of a game that fluctuates from So Bad It's Good to genuine greatness

A game so stupid that it will have you laughing from start to finish

One of the greatest So Bad It's Good games of all time

The perfect send off to one of gaming's most iconic heroes. A rare kind of masterpiece that makes you almost not even want a follow up. Although it is certain that a Devil May Cry 6 will eventually happen. When that day comes, all I can hope for is that it treads carefully to not undo or sully Devil May Cry 5.

One of the tightest action games in existence, densely packed with content, and with a beautiful story of self-worth wrapping it all up.

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While the ending is somewhat lackluster, God of War III is a fitting end to the series.

A story more interested in cheap sequel hooks than trying to tell it's own tale, strung along by half-baked gameplay that's trying to do too many things for any one thing to be particularly good. God of War spends more time stroking it's own ego than it does convincing you it's actually deserving of the praise that it heaps upon itself.

If you could take the very concept of happiness, turn it into a disc that a game console can read, this is it.

The ultimate simulator of being a hobo who doesn't know what's going on while people keep trying to stab you

Indigo Prophecy is a weird game made by a weird dude named David Cage. It's trashy, hokey, and poorly put together. And yet, in all it's Not Good-ishness, it is never once boring. Indigo Prophecy is one of the best times you can have with an awful game.