I didn't realize that this is of the crashtroidvania genre. So I thought the devs were lazy and made you play the same level many times.

My mom got me this game. It was really for me and not for my brother. Big thanks! This has classic goofy cartoons on it too. Win Win!

They simplified Street Fighter which is good. But also the game isn't as fun as normal street fighter games and I don't really know why which angers me each and every day

When you do the super move a second time in a match the animation is shorter. They knew

I wasn't that familiar with the movie so I always assumed the main characters name was "Bugs Life" like Bugs Bunny but cooler. Cuz he's Bugs LIFE! As I kid I thought that name was sooo cool.

My grandma wanted to call her cat to go inside but the cat refused. I was like "let me try, I know what name he will listen to" and I yelled "BUGS LIIIFEE!! BUGS LIIIFEE" and he came home.

Also when my brother was playing this on the family Tv I tried flapping my arms to fly like bugs life. But what I didn't realize as a child was that bugs was an ant and not a fly :(

Similar to the first but different minigames. I always forget which are in Hugo 1 and which are in Hugo 2. But this has an actually story mode and most stages are very unforgiving


I have a big crush on the hexana actor from german hexana tv. She is also the voice of sailor mars. The best sailor senshi.
It is so surreal imagine nowerdays that they would just make a TV show of a popular game with the host cosplaying a character and portraying them. The 90s were a different time.

This game actually kinda sucks but I also enjoy it alot and I don't think it is that bad

My mom had to do the rabbit bossfight for me.
Then when you get the highjump ability I didnt know how to use it. I tried every possible button combination.

My brother had to figure it out for me. Turns out it was circle

Very good but the lack of coop in regular stages made this worthless for if you have siblings or later a girlfriend

I beat this game when my brother was at school. He couldn't get past stage 4 and I beat this entire game. I was about 5 years old. That confidence boost made me into the man I am today. Without this game I would be nothing.

Then the final boss scared me so hard to compensate that I became a total mess of a person. Maybe I should've skipped this one after all.

Another racing game with no catch up mechanic. When will they finally learn? Anyways this is still very good.

Discovering all the shortcuts and secrets was fantastic. We sometimes set this up at garden parties and guests had to go through an IRL obstacle cours and the last obstacle was always completing a lap in rayman M. So I can recomment it for that purpose

The best rayman and a masterpiece.

This feels like a masterpiece. It isn't but it sure feels like one

When I was a kid my Brother used to play this on PC and cheat his way through the game.
Then I got it on my PSP one day and was excited to play it before bed. It was then I realized that this game is one of the most difficult and frustrating games ever created. I smashed my PSP against the wall and wrecked my entire room which was the absolute low point of my entire life up until that point!!

Many years later after I have really gotten into retro games and beating stuff like Ninja Gaiden, I Wanna Be The Guy, NES Gradius, I Wanna Be The Boshy, Ghosts n' Goblins or Contra I thought to myself surely Rayman can't be that difficult now compared to those games. So I tried it again.

This time I didn't just wreck my room. I burned my entire house down and punched the asphalt driveway to my porch so hard that my wrist shattered into a thousand pieces. Out of anger I refused to call an ambulance or the fire department. Instead I called Ubisoft and told them that if they ever do another rayman game I would helicopter hair to their office and draw frowny faces into raymans belly circle as a means to demonstrate.

Heckin good game

Whenever I trigger the green fields I yell "ANNIHILATIOOOONN!" which is at least worth an extra half star to me