I think the story is doo doo, but when this game works, you legit feel like a Jedi.

People are seriously sleeping on this game. Most underrated Arkham game for sure.

The ultimate cesspool of toxicity.

This is a really solid game. That being said, I have no desire to play the sequel.

I did not expect this game to be as good as it was. And I think only making Star-Lord playable was a very good choice.

Not really an Assassin's Creed game, but it's an excellent pirate game.

Master Chief but he has feelings??!!

I feel like I would've appreciated this game even more on PC. Just a little clunky on a controller. Still a solid and well-executed concept. A sequel that built upon this would probably be amazing.

Probably my favorite platformer of all time.

I loved this game for what it is, but I hate this game for what it has turned Ubisoft and the open-world genre into.

Beautiful mechanically and visually.

This made me laugh and it made me feel smart, and I liked that.