theres people who played this not knowing anything about Hypnospace and that its also a spinoff of that game and that sucks because theres so much cool character writing about zane here thats completely lost to some people cuz they never played hypnospace or dont realize its so much more than just a quirky boomer shooter

Weriddd game

Plot and all the new characters felt like a whole lot of nothing for most of the game, the gameplay while at its core decent, is super easy to break and unbalanced (last part especially with the super sudden difficulty spike on the last chapter)

the saving grace of this game for sure is zack as a character, and seeing all the events surrounding him and cloud after the nibleheim stuff happens which peaked alotta my intrest compared to the rest of tge story of the game tried to tell

also it was neat getting to see Sephiroth be a normal guy for most of the game

short and sweet game, gameplay was great and loved the vibes of this game, hoping to see a bigger title or another game entirely from this dev

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Great game
Still holds up pretty well to this day. the exploration and moment to moment gameplay was always fun and satisfying. honestly also a very comfy game too, can see why this is a fan fav and looking foward to see how Link Between Worlds reimagines things.

i dont hate it i just feel soo indiffrent to most of what this offered

the bigger focus on action in this game while its still trying to stay classic survival horror was frustrating and it kinda soured my enjoyment for it. Not to say theres not any good here tho, the story and the many choices u can make to change up how things play out is cool and of course nemesis is an iconic villian. Besides that tho its unfortunate i didnt like this as much as i was hoping i would

even with the remake out for a while its insane how well this game holds up to this day. absolutely still one of my favorites in the series

its shown its age for sure in alot of areas but you can never go wrong with ps1 survival horror

i played the original game and got into persona as a whole back in 2014-15 and its been such a special game to me since.

I was very much looking forward to Reload when it was announced and finally playing thru it I'm blown away. A near perfect remake. All the QoL improvements in the gameplay, the added story content that fleshes out so much more of the story and characters and just a great anesthetic.

My only real gripes are with some track remixs i wasnt too big on and how some scenes in the game are missing some details from the original.
But those tiny gripes aside absoulety phenomenal game and a great remake of one of my fav games.

its been a few years since a game made me cry this much thank you Like A Dragon