Agressively mid. The opening sequence was fantastic, there were some cool new features to make the gameplay interesting (or at least stand out from its predecessor), and I actually liked Kraven as antagonist. My main problem was that before playing, I got the idea this would be a massive blockbuster with so much more cinematic gameplay and drama than the first one. And it wasn't. The story honestly kinda sucked, its themes remained basic, and the gameplay got repetitive really quickly. Kind of disappointed in this one. I will nevertheless complete the side missions in the hope they are as interesting as in the the 2014 title.

Second, complete, and final ending.

I am deeply moved by the sheer narrative power.

I will pre-order the next one so hard.

Game is cool as fuck, simple (not easy, mind you) as hell, and got me into metal a bit.

I didn't finish it and that's okay. I only had the final boss battle left and maybe I'll finish that one on a lower difficulty, but not right now.

In the last couple of months, I've really taken a hard look at the time management of my entertainment. I learned to discard books,games, tv shows when I no longer wanted any of it. With games, I also learned to look up guides or lower the difficulty to make the harder parts more enjoyable. I liked playing through this game and rather than spend a couple hours frustrating over one level I could just be having fun with another game instead. Finishing something just for the sake of finishing something is not worth my time and I hope anyone who reads this review keeps this in mind.

Games are for fun. Let's keep it that way.

What an amazing gaming experience. I could never give this any kind of rating out of 10. This game is on a different dimension.

It is not flawless, but it's a game worth playing. If I started explaining why, I would spoil it. Play the game. Trust me.

Also it's not too expensive.

Part of my runthrough of the PS5 remaster. It holds up, allright. The best way to relive this essential DLC to the original game. Good stuff.

Second playthrough. My first playthrough was with the ps4 remaster and I enjoyed it immensely. The narrative delivered this intense immersion unlike anything I'd ever seen in gaming. That made up for the doable yet dated graphics and gameplay.

I am glad I decided to spend 50 bucks on this remaster. It allowed me to re-immerse myself into this amazing story and world without getting too frustrated with its mechanics. I got stuck at different parts and breezed through segments I had difficulty with on my first run, which is really interesting. Overall, my playthrough was significantly smoother than the first. The spectacularly updated graphics really made the story and characters come alive, especially side characters like Henry and Sam. Also, I am really glad that this remaster features a lot less runners than the original. Runners made it near impossible to stealth your way through some of the levels, because of their chaotic movement and unpredictable ability to spot you. Having far less of these made my run-through so much more comfortable. Of course, having played both games helps.

I did not think I would be such a sucker for cashgrabs like this, but dangit, it was worth it. And to add insult to injury, I'll probably buy the Part II Remaster, too. Sue me.

One of the most compelling narratives I have ever encountered in a game. And I play mostly story-driven games. I've just finished my first playthrough and it will not be my last. Sooner rather than later I will start fresh, with a better understanding of the game's core mechanics, and a new character to immerse myself in the stories I missed. Every person, every interaction had me glued to the screen. Add to that the sci-fi aesthetic and the ethereal Blade Runner-esque soundtrack and you've got yourself a shockingly real title.


Jeppe Carlsen knows how to do this. How to introduce players to a world that feels rich, yet reveals so little. How to subtly but successfully guide players into the core mechanics without any kind of tutorial. How to integrate new gameplay aspects that start out simple, only to expand in scope and difficulty as the game progresses.

And the game also becomes increasingly more epic as you play through the tight 4-hour campaign. You can add this to the list, because similarly to Inside and Limbo, this game will not let you go.

P.S. The sound design reminded me of Arrival. The score reminded me of the works of Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. How could I not love this?

The small scale of this game is perfect for what it tries to do. A handful of good-looking tracks to study, make your own, and practise the drifting mechanic on. While I have obtained the gold medal in all races with Ada's car, I think I will keep playing. Trying to beat my own records or trying the campaign in a different car.

I like this one and its hella cheap. Good stuff.

It is simply impossible for me to not give this title a 10/10. Not because it is a perfect game, since 1) it isn't, and 2) perfect games don't exist. It is simply because this game felt like it was made for me. As an aspiring linguist, I loved discovering a game about deciphering languages. And let's not forget that it never outstays its welcome, with a runtime of about 9 hours. It definitely hit the sweet spot. If you're into the study of languages, I highly recommend.

Amazing. Eases you into a serene pace in the most comfortable way imaginable.

I loved this. You know, of all the games for comfort that are out there, I definitely feel like these are the ones that do it for me, as opposed to management games like Spiritfarer or Stardew Valley. The silent ambiance, the subtle storytelling, and the music all combine into one beautiful poem of a game.

Never played the Mafia games. Decided to give at least this one and Mafia 3 a go.

This was great. Yes, sure, the AI and the controls are not as smoothly functioning as one would like them to, but I enjoyed the story, the action, the setpieces, and the overall badass style that this game oozes. A straightforward, linear, single player story that does not overstay its welcome. That's how I like em.


I didn't know about this game until I saw a trailer for the next one coming out, which looks like a spiritual sequel to Portal 2. When I saw the first one was on Playstation Plus, I decided to give it a go.

And wow, was I invested quick. Such an addictive, yet carefully paced puzzle game. Sure, there are some puzzle solutions that can be a bit tricky or maybe even far-fetched, but throughout the game, the core mechanics become gradually clear, as you learn to play with the tools you are given. I only used a guide for a couple of puzzles, and rejoiced when I the solutions to the more challenging puzzles clicked.

Finished it well in time before the next one, which I will definitely be purchasing. Recommed for all y'all puzzle freaks out there.


The franchise's predecessor intrigued and scared me immensely. Imagine my surprise when I realized how exceptionally creepy and phenomenally immersive its sequel would be. The density, the sound design, the score, the level design, the mystery; everything is cranked up to eleven. It is cinematic horror platformer and it truly is haunting. There are these chase sequences that give you the feeling you're out of the woods every now and then, only to burst your bubble and resume the chase in the most exhilarating way.

Yes, there is some trial and error at play here. I honestly didn't mind. It didn't kill the game's ambiance for me. It's short, it's probably on sale somewhere and thus hella cheap, and I HIGHLY recommend it.

I shall be looking forward to the next game.