Cute game, though it was difficult to feel touched by it after having played multiple games with similar tropes before.

I also didn't have that much patience for yet another RPG Maker game, so I used a guide, didn't really deter from the experience though, I followed it whenever I wasn't sure where else to go, and otherwise kept going as normal.

Great story, but it hasn't aged well.

Deserves 5 stars, but the game is a bit obtuse in what it wants you to do sometimes, so I'm putting it just a bit under.

Loved it as a kid, but nowadays this kind of game is too repetitive for me.

Rest in peace, sweet prince. The end of an era...

Decent gameplay, story which drags on and goes all over the place, character design for the lowest common denominator. Lack of a decent post-game.

The online feels kind of abandoned, I wish it were on PC. I'd feel less like I'm wasting my time playing it then.

The essence of old school flash games.


Decent memories of the mod, but the standalone version has always been underwhelming at best. I don't know how it fares today, but I think I'm past it.

Great game that doesn't respect your time, sadly.

Still waiting for a PC port...

Underrated, wish it got some love by the maintainers, rather than just being a cash cow.

Underrated gem. Nowadays, it's mostly populated by DDRace players, but I remember loving instagib and the classic gamemodes. Crazy fun!

Forgot how far I went in it. It was pretty difficult for me as a kid.