this is a game for white people

the entire reason, to this day, that i am into star wars and rpgs. its absolutely phenomenal

the last "great" tony hawk game, i'd say. its the last to have that certain flavor underground gave the series and it's gameplay

its good
memes aside, it really did deserve all the awards and shit it got


objectively, the best gameplay in the series but it never goes above a three for basically everything else

i have no idea how i managed to beat this game as a child because i could barely tie my shoes

this is devil may cry perfected. everything that makes dmc dmc is here and god i love every second of it. it might be the perfect video game

on two separate playthroughs, i lost my save right as i was about to beat the same so i have never beat it again out of spite and a loss of interest in anything 2010s bioware (excluding mass effect)


it's doom. i really dont need to say anything.

i have zero interest in playing any dragon ball game now that im an adult, god these things suck

this is the hollywood fallout. like the full experience with none of the lasting flavor. the gameplay is fun but boring a bit inm.

its good on paper but god was this a miserable experience to actually play through. anything fun wasnt because of the game, it was because of shit i was just making up in my head as i went along

its .5 higher because i just like the aesthetic a little more. everything else from the far cry 5 review applies here

mgsv is a really really good game that sets out to some very specific shit that no one seem to get five years ago and i dont think i even understand it fully now but i had fun at least so four stars lmao