The game is called Sonic Lost World, and yet in the beginning the lost world is no longer lost since they found it, what a sick joke.

Oh and the game is balls as well and a bit disappointing since I enjoyed this game when I was younger, but I can say the same for base 06 so that's not saying much.

Sonic Superstar is an interesting game, I don't think its as bad as many people say considering the fact the game is still enjoyable in my opinion but there are many things that hold this game back from being something truly special. I don't hate the bosses and the final boss of the main story wasn't as bad as I remember but the other two final bosses give me PTSD, hell I didn't even bother finishing the last one. I actually think the stages are a lot of fun, not as good as something like Sonic Mania but I do think they are well designed, well mostly. Everything I said in my previous review still applies here, so there isn't much I can really say about this game anymore.

Sonic Unleashed and Generations are banger games that I can probably replay at a drop of a hat and still have a great time, I'm not the biggest fan of Colors but the series did kind of need it at the time and I can understand why many people love it, I'm just more of a fan of the DS version.

Sonic Forces is a different story on the other hand, for Generations, they were able to improve upon the already incredible foundation Unleashed had. Forces feels like a FUCKING MASSIVE step down in comparison, Sonic and Classic Sonic actually somehow control like shit, same goes for the avatar, and the levels feel so underbaked, short, and don't even leave an impression on you unlike the other three boost games. And Mania came out the same year which makes this game look worse in comparison. The game is short as hell but so is Generations and that game was able to be fun as hell and leave a great impression. The soundtrack is kinda good but some of the songs are funny to me, especially since they come from this game. The story also sucks and is missed potential as well, they reuse some stages from past games but it had the potential to do something cool with it but instead its just feels thrown together. The story needed better writers in order for the story to reach its potential, there's this video I listened to at work call Sonic Forces Rewritten and its a very interesting watch and it shows how story and gameplay styles could have been handled, even being back the alternate perspectives formula from the Adventure games into play with some elements from Heroes generally could have been interesting, even expanding upon bringing back more past locations from other games but with them being taken over by Dr. Eggman could be very interesting to see. But instead we get this half baked, piece of shit that is worthless and straight up fundamentally flawed. At least '06, for as shit as that was, there was some great ideas and it would later give us Project '06, which slaps. At least Sonic and the Secret Rings gave us this: . At least I can make fun of Shadow the Hedgehog for how fucking stupid nearly every aspect of that game is and it at least controls fine. At least Sonic 4 Episode I.... uh....emm....uh.. I honestly don't know.

I actually never want to touch this shit ever again.

Not as epic as Sonic Forceslololololololollolololololoololololololoololololololololoololololololoololololololloollolololollolololoolollolololoolollolololoolloolol

Link turns into a werewolf. Nobody bats an eye.

But when Sonic becomes a werewolf. EVERYBODY LOSES THEIR MINDS.

Honestly on par with Generations with how enjoyable this is but the medal collecting is pretty much the only real problem I have with this game, other then that this is a peak Sonic game with a pretty fun character action game attached to it.

Pretty mid and has a lot of missed potential considering the fact that they could have used stages from the handheld games in the series, there are more problems with this game but I honestly don't really care about this version of the game even if it was the first version I played.

Why did Dimps go this hard on the DS version of Sonic Colors to the point that not only do I find it better then the console version (which I only thought was just fine to begin with), I even consider it one of my favorite games in the series and one of my favorite DS games in general.

I played the Wii version.

This was the first 3D Sonic game (first Sonic game being Sonic Genesis lol) I played as a child so I do have nostalgia for it but honestly find it fine ever since this decade, damn just when I thought I was gonna really like this game again. The level design is just fine but the six acts per zone is kind of pushing it but considering the length of the game its just fine. It honestly feels like more of a simple platformer compared to the other games in the franchise which is executed well but it honestly doesn't impress me like the best moments of the Unleashed and Generations. I like the Wisps as well but the story kind of sucks but Generations story also sucked and that game was fire so I don't have much to say on that. This is what the franchise needed at the time but its honestly not for me and its easily the weakest game in the Sonic games that uses the boost formula, wait a minute what's a Sonic Forces?

The DS version looks really cool though so I'll probably check that out sometime afterwards.

Goes harder then I expected, and no just like Sonic Heroes, I'm not getting all of the chaos emeralds with all the characters, fuck that shit.

Sonic 06 is an unfortunate ambitious game that had a good amount of stuff going for it, the story is the biggest with the highest stakes in the franchise and it has the most playable characters. But there is some gigantic problems that happened during development, 1. Yuji Naka left Sega, 2. The team was split in half to work on Secret Rings, and 3. The game had to release in 2006 instead of being delayed in order to fix some of its glitches, problems, or even giving the story another draft. Leaving us with a game that is damn near franchise killing and deserving of its title as one of the worst games of all time.

Every character genuinely plays like shit, yes even Sonic and Blaze. Especially with the amigo characters being unplayable as fuck. This game honestly does feel like an evolved version of the Adventure formula with how the story is told through different perspectives. For P-06, I appreciated that since the characters were the best they ever controlled in 3D in my opinion, and they are well integrated into the stages. But in this game its undermined by so much shit and glitches to the point that its nearly unplayable. Don't even get me started on Shadow and Silver stories which while I preferred over Sonic in P-06, is the exact opposite here oh my god they actually fucking suck to play as. The story sucks and as I said NEEDED another draft, why did they put a romance in this game, it would have been better if it was just a normal friendship, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING. The soundtrack goes hard which is one of the only redeemable things about this game, right next to how funny the game can be due to several glitches and incompetent moments. And as Clement said in his review, the game using the name "Sonic the Hedgehog" is feels disgraceful considering the low quality of this game, this is basically just Sonic Adventure 3 (yeah that's right Sonic fans, we already have Adventure 3) (which is also kind of disgraceful the more I think about it) making it the Shrek the Third of the trilogy. I love how it basically recons itself out of existence at the end but that doesn't excuse the fact that this game is pure dog water. The most surprising thing about this game is that I like it more then Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 4 Episode I, so that's interesting.

Just because I adore Project 06 doesn't mean I find this game good at all since like I said, even though they do share the same level design, P-06 feels like a different game compared to this. Can't wait for when The End of the World update comes out though, that should be fun.

Great celebration of the series especially after the previous anniversary with you know who. Don't have much to say at the moment other then that it slaps. Can't wait to see how Sonic X Shadow (HAHAAHAHAHAHAAHH) Generations turns out (as long as the original doesn't get delisted).

If Sonic 06 defenders played this they would probably shit themselves, I also have a good amount of stuff to say right after I finish 06 because holy shit they both feel like two different games in comparison.

You know, so far, the main Sonic series has been pretty consistent so far with 7 games with 2 of them only being just OK, that's a pretty good track record, I wonder what's next ohhhhh.


Back in 2022, I logged this after finishing 3 levels and rated it a 3/10 because I played it for the memes, I then didn't touch it until I decided to do this marathon since I couldn't stand Other M (which I will get back to eventually). It was mainly because those levels are horribly designed and are only made to hunt down some stuff which is tedious and boring, even natural runs can be tedious at times, how the hell do you even accomplish that? There are better ways to do this like racing and beating Sonic in a hero mission in a level that's actually designed like a sane human being made it. It could have been interesting and fun but instead they went with this shit.

The diverging story pathways is a pretty interesting idea but the fact that its not fun to go through and you have to get ALL TEN ENDINGS is stupid, I only did five since I couldn't stand it any longer and used a completed save file in order to do the last story. This is basically a worse version of the progression system from Star Fox 64.

Oh yeah due to the execution of the format and the awful stages with no good ones shockingly in my opinion, this game is just boring to play. It starts out like a normal bad game at first but after each playthrough it gets worse and worse until I'm exhausted at the THIRD FUCKING PLAYTHROUGH. At least base 06, for as dogshit as it is, had decent level design even though a bunch of shit drowns that out unfortunately.

For Positives: Uhm, I like the opening and the songs, I like the true ending for Shadow, it brings closure to his arc even though he isn't portrayed as well as he was in Adventure 2. And its ironically funny at certain moments and at first like with the swearing and the fact Shadow uses guns in this game but it loses its hilarity at the end of the second playthrough and then it becomes miserable. That's it really.

This game deserves its status as a meme and nothing more. If you want to play this game, only do one playthrough, the other levels aren't worth your time or sanity. There is a lot more I can say but I'll save that if I make a Sonic Ranking Video.