This game is not that great. If you love this game, more power to you. But this game's motion controls suck. The game's story is pretty bad, with a villain who shows up out of nowhere and her gist being, she found out death was a thing and broke down over it. The theme of living your life to the fullest is also just randomly shoved in there at the end. Overall besides the music, this games got no redeeming qualities at all.

This game's a great improvement on the original, improving almost on everything. The grinding from the first has completely vanished with a pretty good villain and overall better level design that's evolved from Zero 1's long lines of enemies. Overall really happy with Zero 2.

The industry has never looked any brighter

This game hasn't got Venom in it, Venom not being Eddie ruins the game alone. It also does nothing new or creative.

Peak. So Peak. Game's combat is slower than my nan on a wheelchair powered by snails however.

My reaction to when atlus makes a rerelease worse than the og again. Kasumi fucking sucks.